徽墨(Hui style ink stick)是中国古墨中最有名的墨品,因产于古徽州府而得名。徽墨的创始人是南唐制墨名家奚超及其子奚廷珪,历史已逾千年。徽墨品种繁多,传统品种有漆烟墨(lacquer soot)、油烟墨(oilsoot)、松烟墨(pine

admin2021-07-13  81

问题     徽墨(Hui style ink stick)是中国古墨中最有名的墨品,因产于古徽州府而得名。徽墨的创始人是南唐制墨名家奚超及其子奚廷珪,历史已逾千年。徽墨品种繁多,传统品种有漆烟墨(lacquer soot)、油烟墨(oilsoot)、松烟墨(pine soot)、全烟墨(all soot)等。现代徽墨在传统工艺的基础上不断创新,改良了很多品种并开发了许多新品种,同时也恢复了古代的一些名品。徽墨具有色泽黑润、历久不褪等特点,深得历代书画家的喜爱。


答案 As the best known variety in Chinese ancient inks, the Hui style ink stick gets its name from the place it was made, ancient Huizhou. It is invented by Xi Chao, a famous inkstick maker in Southern Tang Dynasty, and his son, Xi Tinggui. By now, this style is over a thousand years old with many types such as the traditional lacquer soot, oil soot, pine soot and all soot. Modern types are innovated from traditional technology, with many varieties modified and a great number of others developed, and some famous varieties that were lost in history are brought back to life. The Hui style ink stick has a very pleasant look, and has a jet-black and indelible effect on paper, so it has been in favor with painters and calligraphers throughout history.

