The historian of ancient science Otto Neugebauer concluded that Babylonian astronomical texts are (i)________because everything

admin2022-11-11  33

问题 The historian of ancient science Otto Neugebauer concluded that Babylonian astronomical texts are (i)________because everything has been eliminated from the astronomy except observations and the mathematical consequences of an initial hypothesis about the fundamental character of the astronomical movements. This judgment cohered with the high level of mathematical theory, which (ii)________mathematical computation together with empirical observation as (iii)________of science and denied any role to speculative hypotheses of a strongly theoretical nature.
Blank (i)       Blank (ii)     Blank (iii)
A. questionable D. repudiated  G. end result
B. scientific   E. admitted    H. necessary characteristic
C. limited      F. confounded  I. discredited path



解析 先看空格(i),逻辑连接词是because,前后同义对应。前面说历史学家说巴比伦天文教材是________的,后面说因为教材只保留observations and mathematical consequences of all initial hypothesis(观察和从一个初始假设出发进行数学推导的结果)。从观察和初始假设出发进行数学推导,这正是现代科学方法的做法,因此空格(i)填B项scientific(科学的)。再看空格(ii),空格(ii)前which引导的定语从句修饰前面的this judgement。前面已经说了这个judgement cohered with the high level mathematical theory(与高等数学理论是一致的),后面又说它________mathematical computation。前后都提到了mathematics,因此空格(ii)要填入与cohered with同义对应的词。观察选项,只有E选项属于正向词,因此选E项admitted(承认)。最后看空格(iii)前面已经说了从观察和初始假设出发进行数学推导是科学的,因此这里说承认数学计算和实际观察是科学的________,空格(iii)中应该填入表示“特征”的词,所以选H项necessary characteristic(必要特征)。
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