The man wants to get the following details of the flights EXCEPT

admin2016-11-13  18

问题 The man wants to get the following details of the flights EXCEPT
W: Good morning, Atlantic Travel in Beijing. Can I help you?
M: Good morning. This is Eric Brown from the OS Corp. I’d like some information on flights to London.
W: London?
M: Yes. Could you please give me details of frequency of flights, fares and departure and arrival times?
W: Oh, well, I’m afraid there seems to be only one direct flight a week. That’s on Wednesday, leaving Beijing at 7:30, arriving Gatwick Airport at 17:30 local time the next day.
M: Only one in a week... Mm, I wonder if you could check on flights through other European capitals—Paris, Brussels, for example.
W: Yes, if you’ll just hold on a moment, I’ll check it for you. Ah... there’s a flight from Paris on Thursdays and from Berlin every Saturday and Monday. Would you like me to work out all the connecting flights?
M: Yes, please. You can also check on flights from Hong Kong.
W: Actually, I’d better just check up on this. Do you think you could possibly ring back in say, half an hour? We don’t get many inquiries for London and I may have overlooked something... or I could put the information in the post if you wish.
M: Yes, I’d prefer that, and will you also enclose details of fares, flying times and return flights? If you could let us have it as soon as possible, I’d be grateful.
W: I’ll send it off today.

选项 A、price.
B、flying times.
C、arrival times.
D、return times.


解析 男士提到,他想知道飞行频率、价格、起飞与抵达的时间。A项price对应对话中的fares,B项flying times对应departure times,C有直接提及,只有D未提及,故选D。
