A、She does not like chemistry. B、She is too busy to study. C、She does not agree with the professor. D、She is careless about lab

admin2020-03-30  34

W: Professor Keyes? May I come in?
M: Jessica, sure. Have a seat. What can I do for you?
W: It’s the lab experiments, professor. I’m getting different results from everyone else, so I thought I’d better ask for your advice or else I’ll fail the class.
M: Not everyone gets the right results. I thought you might have discovered on your own what you were doing wrong.
W: Well, I’ve gone over every step of every experiment we did in the lab, and I haven’t been able to figure out where I went wrong in any of them.
M: OK. I think you probably study the steps carefully. But I’ve observed something in my classes ever since I started teaching chemistry. Some students know the steps involved in an experiment but they don’t understand the purpose and the objectives of the experiment. Do you actually read through the reference and the handouts I give?
W: Um, not really. I just find it very difficult reading.
M: Well, Jessica. Knowing what the steps are will help you when you write up a lab report, but would you be able to write a conclusion about the results if you didn’t understand what you were doing?
W: No, I guess not.
M: So why not spend just half an hour going through the material? And if it isn’t clear to you, you can either ask me or you can go over to the chemistry club.
W: OK. I’ll do that.
M: There’s something else. I’ve noticed that you aren’t always precise in your measurements. You’re not going to get the results you’re looking for if you don’t measure things right or heat an ingredient at the right heat or heat it for the exact amount of time required.
W: OK, professor. I see what I’m doing wrong.
12. Why does the woman go to see the man?
13. Why does the man talk about a phenomenon in his chemistry classes?
14. What does the man suggest the woman do?
15. What can be inferred about the woman?

选项 A、She does not like chemistry.
B、She is too busy to study.
C、She does not agree with the professor.
D、She is careless about lab techniques.


解析 推断题。对话结尾处,男士提到他发现女士做实验时在测量(measurements)方面不是很准确,由此可推断女士在实验方法上有些粗心,故答案为D)。
