
admin2022-08-27  62

问题 道家是中国古代哲学的主要流派之一,最早可追溯到上古时期。道教文化纷繁绚灿,包罗万象,以老子、庄子为代表人物。道家崇尚自然。主张遵循客观规律,揭示了整个宇宙的特性。道家认为,人只有遵循自然的法则,才能为自然界所接纳,与自然构成和谐关系。他们主张关注天地万物及其自然循环的规律,认为自然界万物处于经常的运动变化之中。同时,道家还认为,只有人的生命活动符合自然规律,才能够长寿。


答案Taoism is one of the main schools of ancient Chinese philosophy, which can be traced back to the ancient times. Taoism culture is colorful and all-inclusive, with Laozi and Zhuangzi as representatives. Taoism advocates nature, claims to follow the objective law and reveals the characteristics of the whole universe. Taoism believes that only by following the laws of the nature, can people be accepted by the nature and thus form a harmonious relationship with it. They stand for paying attention to all things in the world and the law of their natural circulation, and believe that all things in the nature are in constant motion and change. At the same time, Taoism also holds the belief that only when people’s life activities conform to the laws of the nature can they lead a long life.

解析 1. 第一句的前后分句都是以道家为主语,选择前者作为主句,后者作为从属部分。可以将句子译成含有which引导的定语从句的复合句结构,增加句子之间的逻辑性。“最早可追溯到上古时期”可以像参考译文那样翻译为定语从句,也可以处理为现在分词结构,即tracing back to the ancient times。
2. 第二句的句子结构较为简单。可以将句子翻译成单句的形式。“包罗万象”可译为all inclusive或comprehensive;“代表人物”可以使用单词representatives表达。
3. 第三句的三个分句都是以道家为主语,可以译成三个并列的短句,用and连接。“崇尚”可译为advocate;“主张”可译为claim;“揭示”可译为reveal或expose。
4. 第四句中文过长,要按照中文的意群进行适当的划分。可以将句子翻译成一个含有宾语从句的复合句结构。“人只有……,才……”可以使用It only…can people…”的倒装句,表示强调;“与自然构成和谐关系”可译为form a harmonious relationship with it或be in harmony with it。
5. 段落中多次出现“主张”“认为”。可译为advocate、believe、stand for‘、maintain或“hold the belief that…”等,注意避免用词重复。
