I found the subject very difficult, and at one time thought I should have to give it up, but you directions are so clear and____

admin2014-01-13  20

问题 I found the subject very difficult, and at one time thought I should have to give it up, but you directions are so clear and______that I have succeeded in getting a picture we all think pretty, though wanting in the tender grace of yours.

选项 A、on the point
B、off the point
C、to the point
D、up to a point


解析 介词词组辨析。on the point后一般接介词of,意为“正要……之际,就要……之时”;off thepoint是副词词组,意为“离题,不切要领,不切题”;to the point与B项的意思相反,意为“切题,切中要害”;up to a point“在一定程度上”。由and前的clear(清晰的)判定,空格应填入正向的词。因此,C项符合题意。
