Blacks have traditionally been poorly educated — look at the crisis in urban public schools — and deprived of the sorts of oppor

admin2014-01-13  72

问题     Blacks have traditionally been poorly educated — look at the crisis in urban public schools — and deprived of the sorts of opportunities that create the vision necessary for technological ambition. Black folkways in America, those unspoken, largely unconscious patterns of thought and belief about what is possible that guide aspiration and behavior, thus do not encompass physics and calculus. Becoming an engineer — unlike becoming a doctor or a lawyer or an insurance salesman — has not been seen as a way up in the segregated black community. These folkways developed in response to very real historical conditions, to the limited and at best ambivalent interactions between blacks and technology in this country. Folkways, the "consciousness of the race," change at a slower pace than societal conditions do — and so a working strategy can turn into a crippling blindness and self-limitation.


答案 黑人历来受教育程度低,有技术抱负的黑人没有机会施展才能、创造未来,这些从城市公立学校所面临的挑战中就可见一斑。美国黑人民俗往往与“是什么指导人们的行为和愿景?”这个问题相关。因此它是不言而喻的且无关于物理或微积分,而是由黑人潜意识的思维信仰模式所决定的。当工程师并不意味着从此脱离了黑人社区,不受到种族歧视,成为上等人,而医生、律师和保险业务员则不同。这些民俗在美国之所以形成的原因有以下两点:一方面是迫于非常现实的历史背景;另一方面则是由于黑人接触科技有限,说得好听点就是黑人与科技关系的矛盾所致。民俗,即“民族意识”,它并不会随着社会变迁而发生大的变化,因此,一项固定的工作策略在处理不同问题时很可能会导致自我限制和极端盲目。

