It’s midday, and your phone’s battery is dangerously close to the 20 per cent mark. If you’re like the majority of people, that

admin2018-12-01  17

问题    It’s midday, and your phone’s battery is dangerously close to the 20 per cent mark. If you’re like the majority of people, that red icon will leave you feeling panicked, annoyed and hunting for a spare charger. L Company has dubbed this condition "Low Battery Anxiety" and says that nearly 9 out of 10 people suffer from the fear of losing power on their phone.
   The company polled a random sample of more than 2,000 adult smartphone users in the US earlier this year. When it comes to choosing between hitting the gym or charging their smartphone, it found one in three people are likely to skip the gym. But millennials tend to have it worse— with 42 per cent likely to skip the gym when choosing between working out or charging their phone. Smart phone users will even "drop everything" and make a U-turn to head back home to charge their phone.


答案刚到中午,你的手机电池就已经岌岌可危,接近20%电量的标志。如果你和大多数人一样,那个红色的电量条会让你恐慌、抓狂及四处寻找备用电池。L公司把这种状况戏称作“低电量焦虑”,据说90%的人遭遇过手机没电的恐慌。 该公司今年早些时候在美国随机抽取样本,调查了2 000多位智能手机成年用户。当要求被调查者选择去健身房或者去给手机充电时,结果显示1/3的人会放弃健身。但千禧一代更严重——从锻炼和充电中做选择时,42%的人会放弃健身。智能手机用户为了给手机充电甚至会“抛下一切”调头回家。

解析 (1)It’s midday,这里it指代时间,由于英语和汉语之间存在差异,英语是主语显著性语言,主语不可或缺,主谓提契机制是句子的框架。汉语是主题显著性语言,主语或隐藏,或省略,通常是列出一个话题,然后加以评说。所以在英汉互译时,就面临着主语和主题的转化问题。基于此,英译汉可以省略主语It,将其翻译为“刚到中午”。
(2)考生要注意第一段第二句话中like的翻译。like既可以作动词又可以作介词。like作介词时,意为“如同;像;和……一样”,如:I wish I could sing like her.(我希望能像她那样唱歌。)like作动词时,常作及物动词使用,意为“喜欢,爱好,希望”,如:I like bananas.(我喜欢香蕉。)like如果作谓语动词,就会随着主语的人称、数、格发生变化,还会有时态变化,如果是介词,则无此变化。在If you’re like the majority of people中,like在系动词的后面,因此在这里作介词,意思是“如同;像;和……一样”。
(3)注意Low Battery Anxiety的翻译,结合当下的实际情况,考生可以将其译为“低电量焦虑”。
(4)注意dub的翻译。dub作动词时,意为“授予称号,起绰号;配音”。在本文中可译为“把……戏称为”,如:The Belgian actor Jean Claude Van Damme has been dubbed“Muscles from Brussels”,(比利时演员让.克劳德.范.达默被戏称为“布鲁塞尔的肌肉”。)
(5)第二段第二句话的主干为it found one in three people are likely to skip the gym。When引导的是状语从句,hit the gym的意思为“去健身房”。
