Man, viewed morally, is a strange amalgam of angel and devil. He can feel the splendor of the night, the delicate beauty of spri

admin2019-03-20  48

问题 Man, viewed morally, is a strange amalgam of angel and devil. He can feel the splendor of the night, the delicate beauty of spring flowers, the tender emotion of parental love, and the intoxication of intellectual understanding. In moments of insight visions come to him of how life should be lived and how men should order their dealings one with another. Universal love is an emotion which many have felt and which many more could feel if the world made it less difficult. This is one side of the picture. On the other side are cruelty, greed, indifference and over-weening pride. Men, quite ordinary men, will compel children to look on while their mothers are raped. In pursuit of political aims men will submit their opponents to long years of unspeakable anguish. We know what the Nazis did to Jews at Auschwitz. In mass cruelty, the expulsions of Germans ordered by the Russians fall not very far short of the atrocities perpetuated by the Nazis. And how about our noble selves? We would not do such deeds, oh no! But we enjoy our juicy steaks and our hot rolls while German children die of hunger because our governments dare not face our indignation if they asked us to forgo some part of our pleasures. If these were a Last Judgment as Christians believe, how do you think our excuses would sound before that final tribunal?


答案 从道德层面来看,人类是天使和魔鬼的奇怪结合。他们能品味黑夜的光彩、欣赏春日百花的精致美丽、享受父母给予的暖暖情意,还能感受知性带来的陶醉。他们会一次次幻想未来的图景,包括应该如何生活,如何彼此交往。博爱这种感情很多人都体会过,假如世界可以让它不再那么难以企及,它将感染更多的人。这只是图景的一面。另一面则充斥着残忍、贪婪、冷漠和妄自尊大。人类,平凡普通的人们,会强迫孩子亲眼目睹自己的母亲被强暴的场景。为了追逐政治目标,人类会置竞争对手于多年难以言喻的苦痛之中。纳粹在集中营对犹太人犯下的罪行,我们依然历历在目。然而,俄国人之后对德国人下达的残暴驱逐令与纳粹的残酷罪行一样令人发指。我们这些高贵的自己又是如何呢?我们绝不会做这些事情,绝对不会!但是就在我们享受着美味可口的牛排和热面包卷的时候,德国的孩子却在饥肠辘辘中死去,因为我们的政府不敢要求我们放弃一丝丝自我的快乐,他们怕因此引起民愤。如果正像基督徒所笃信的那样,这些是最后的判决,那么你觉得面临最后的那场判决,我们的辩解听起来如何?

