A:随着演唱会推迟、体育赛事取消、学校停课以及旅游景点关闭。专家也开始建议疫情期间,即便没有任何症状,也不要出门。尽管宅 在家确实可以有效保护自己和他人免受冠状病毒侵害,也能帮助遏制病毒的传播,但仍然会造成另一个问题:无聊。 B: That is some

admin2022-08-12  54

A: As concerts are postponed, sporting events are canceled, schools are closed and tourist hot spots are shut down, experts recommend that even those who show no sign of illness stay home during this time of global pandemic. Although remaining inside is a good way to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus, and to help flatten the curve of daily cases, it could lead to a lesser evil: boredom.
A: Well, we are keeping up with the social distancing or self-quarantine as well. This COVID-19 pandemic has really disrupted everyone’s life and everyone is here to contribute his or her own bit. Our community has issued a notice to give 100 suggestions to everyone stays at home.
A: I will give you ten that seems possible for me.
  Write actual letters to family and friends. Write thank-you notes to people who you remember went out of their way for you.
  Start a journal or blog to record your life during this difficult time or just to get things off your chest.
Dust off that old instrument and practice. Watch the really long movies you’ve avoided until now.
Meditate. Try lying down with your eyes closed, palms up and while focusing on your breath.
A: Not in my list. The rest on my list are:
Try out at-home aerobics or yoga videos. Consider downloading a fitness app with ready-made playlists, if possible. Take a bubble bath with a glass of wine in your hand.
Make a classic cocktail, from Bloody Mary to Manhattans and Mojito. Don’t forget the garnish. Buy gift cards from your favorite businesses to help keep them in business while we are in quarantine.
Make coffee, but this time study how many beans you use, which types, how hot the water is, how long it brews and whether any of that makes a difference.


答案A:随着演唱会推迟、体育赛事取消、学校停课以及旅游景点关闭。专家也开始建议疫情期间,即便没有任何症状,也不要出门。尽管宅 在家确实可以有效保护自己和他人免受冠状病毒侵害,也能帮助遏制病毒的传播,但仍然会造成另一个问题:无聊。 B: That is some truth-talking. Netizens in China are all buzzing online that they are dying from boredom at home every single day. It never occurred to anyone that one day when we can finally just stay at home doing nothing without worrying about being too carried away, all we want to do is going out. The Chinese people has been doing their bit by staying at home for two months now since the end of January. There are definitely some interesting ways to kill time at home. How’s everything in your side? A:我们也是继续保持社交距离,坚持在家自我隔离。本次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情确实给所有人的生活带来不小的冲击,人人都在竭尽所能地做好自己分内的事情。我们社区还公布了100条宅家建议,让大家尽量在家待着并找点事情做。 B: A hundred pieces of stay at home advice! It’s more of a book than a notice. How do you like those suggestions? Care to share some of them with us? A:我就先给你讲十条个人感觉可能实现的吧。 给家人和朋友写信,给你还记得的那些帮助过你的人写感谢信。 在如此艰难的日子里,培养写日记或博客的习惯,哪怕只是为了宣泄情绪。 拿出尘封已久的乐器,练起来吧。 看一看以前一直避而不看的真的很长的电影。 冥想。尝试闭眼躺平,手心朝上,集中注意力慢慢呼吸。 B: Does it mention cooking? Many of my friends who never spent a minute in the kitchen become really good cooks, or even bakers, during this time. A:我的清单里真的没有这一项。其他建议还包括: 试着在家跟着视频做有氧运动或瑜伽。下载一个健身软件,最好是有现成视频合集的那种。 洗个泡泡浴,泡澡的时候别忘了喝杯红酒。 自己调经典款鸡尾酒,不论是血腥玛丽、曼哈顿还是莫吉托,别忘了杯子上的小装饰。 隔离期间也别忘了购买一些自己中意店铺的礼品卡,支持他们渡过难关。 自己煮咖啡。这一次最好认真研究该放多少克咖啡豆、用哪种咖啡豆、水温多少、焖煮多久,以及上述因素有变化的话是不是会给口感带来不一样的体验。 B: That’s impressive. Maybe you are not warm to the idea of cooking, but your list can surely help a lot of people getting through this disturbing time. I will try to make some coffee for myself later. Please send this list of suggestions to me so that I can share them in my WeChat Moments tomorrow.

