
admin2017-07-11  107

问题     早年墨子接受的是儒家的教育,早期儒家的学校教育都是以“六艺”,即礼、乐、射、御、书、数作为教学的基本课程,墨子早年学习的内容就是这些知识。青年时期的墨子学习勤奋用功,《淮南子.主术训》说他和孔子一样“皆修圣贤之术,通六艺之论”,说明他和孔子一样是位精通儒家“六艺”的读书人。不过,墨子最感兴趣的是射、御、书、数这类科学知识课程,尤其是有关各种机械制造的原理、技术方面的知识。墨子后来成为一名木制手工专家,正是从此开始的。墨子也熟悉除木工以外的其他各种工匠技艺。诸如丝染、皮革、制陶、建筑、冶金等。他平时在谈话和教育弟子时,也常用各种工匠的技艺来打比方、论证问题。与此同时,墨子还总结了数学、物理、力学等各种理论,既精通各种手工技术,又精通科学理论,这是墨子的一大特色,也是后来墨学的一个基本特色。


答案 Mozi was educated with Confucianism in his early years. The early school education of Confucianism was based on a curriculum called the "Six Arts" of ceremonial protocol, music, shooting, riding, writing and mathematics. The knowledge that Mozi learned in his early years was from those subjects. In his youth, Mozi was a diligent student. In "Major Admonitions" of Huannanzi, Mozi is described with the following words: "Similar as Confucius, he studies thoughts of sages and is good at the Six Arts", which shows that he was a scholar well versed in the Six Arts just as Confucius. However, Mozi was most interested in such scientific courses as shooting, riding, writing and mathematics, and particularly in theories and techniques related to the manufacturing of various kinds of machines. Later, Mozi became a master craftsman. Besides carpentry, Mozi was also familiar with many other kinds of crafts, such as silk dyeing, leather tanning, ceramics, construction and metallurgy. In his normal talks with and lectures to his disciples, he often used different crafts or skills as analogy or argument. In the meantime, Mozi also summed up a variety of theories about mathematics, physics and mechanics. Mozi was learned in different: kinds of crafts and scientific theories, which was also a fundamental feature of Mohism.

解析     本文选自《墨子智慧故事》一书,选段部分介绍了墨子的生平,尤其是其早期接受教育的情况,以及早期教育对其后来在工匠技艺方面成为大家的影响。文中涉及中国传统文化知识以及春秋战国时期的历史知识,这些基础知识需要考生在平时的复习中积累。
