A、The dentist will be back this afternoon. B、The dentist will have a full schedule this afternoon. C、He’ s already had the denti

admin2013-10-31  20

M: One of the members of the Student Union is quitting. Do you know anyone who will be interested in taking this place?
W: I’m not sure. But I will certainly keep an eye out for you.
Q: What will the woman probably do?
W: Have you been the dentist to have your wisdom tooth pulled out?
M: I have an appointment with the dentist this afternoon.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、The dentist will be back this afternoon.
B、The dentist will have a full schedule this afternoon.
C、He’ s already had the dentist check his teeth.
D、He plans to see the dentist this afternoon.


解析 男士讲到下午他和牙医有an appointment(约会),这就是说他要去见牙医。
