设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语听说课的教学方案。 教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点: teaching objectives teaching contents key and difficult points major step

admin2017-02-25  35

问题 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计一节英语听说课的教学方案。
teaching objectives
teaching contents
key and difficult points
major steps and time allocation
activities and justification
Interviewer: Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. Scott, what time is your radio show?
Scott: From twelve o’ clock at night to six o’ clock in the morning.
Interviewer: What time do you usually get up?
Scott: At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine.
Interviewer: That’ s a funny time for breakfast!
Scott: Yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty.
Interviewer: When do you go to work?
Scott: At eleven o’ clock, so I’ m never late for work.


答案Teaching Contents: A dialogue between the interviewer and Scott about Scott’s daily routine. Teaching Objectives: (1)Knowledge objectives ① Students can master the following words and expressions: radio station, usually, funny, exercise. ② Students can use the following sentence patterns: a. What time do you usually ...? b. When do you ...? (2)Ability objectives ① Students can improve their listening ability by listening to the dialogue. ② Students can improve the speaking ability by talking about what they usually do in a day. (3)Emotional objectives Through this class, students can know something about radio workers’ jobs and respect them. Teaching Key Point: How to help students master the new words, expressions and the usage of the sentence patterns. Teaching Difficult Point: How to make students master the words and expressions and improve their speaking and listening skills. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up and Lead-in(5 minutes) The teacher greets the students and asks them two questions. The first question is "What are your parents’ jobs?" and the second is "Do you know something about the job of a radio host?" Then the teacher tells the students that Scott has an interesting job and asks them to listen to the text and get to know about Mr. Scott. (Justification: This step can get students to combine English learning with their daily life. Also, it’s easy for them to say something about their life.) Step 2 Listening(15 minutes) The teacher asks students to listen to the tape for the first time with the following questions. After that, asks students to try to answer the questions. Then, the teacher asks them to listen to the tape for the second time with the purpose to repeat it. ① Where does Mr. Scott work? ② Does he eat breakfast in the morning as common people? Why? ③ When does he go to work? ④ Is he usually late for work? (Justification: This step can get students to have a further understanding of the dialogue.) Step 3 Practice and Consolidation(20 minutes) (1)Practice the sentence patterns(10 minutes) The teacher selects an example in the dialogue, points out the sentence patterns and then makes students to make their own sentences according to the example. Sentence Pattern 1. —What time do you usually ...? —I usually ... Sentence Pattern 2. —When do you ...? —I ... Examples: ① —What time do you usually get up? —I usually get up at 7 am. ② —When do you go to work? —I go to work ... (Justification: This step can get students to master the sentence patterns.) (2)Making an interview(10 minutes) The teacher asks two students in pair. One student acts as an interviewer and the other acts as an interviewee. The interviewer makes an interview about the interviewee’s job. The interviewee should use the above sentence patterns. (Justification: Students act out the dialogue in their own way, which helps to consolidate what they have learned in this class.) Step 4 Summary and Homework(5 minutes) Summary: The teacher asks one student to summarize what he/she has learned in this class. Homework: The teacher asks students to do exercises of this part on the exercise book. (Justification: Students can review and consolidate what they havelearned in this class.) Blackboard Design: Words and Expressions: radio station, usually, funny, exercise. Sentence Patterns: ① What time do you usually ...? ② When do you ...? Teaching Reflection.

