Recently, I saw a heading for an Internet article that read, " If only I’d bought that stock... " Well, sure, hindsight is wonde

admin2019-04-19  28

问题     Recently, I saw a heading for an Internet article that read, " If only I’d bought that stock... " Well, sure, hindsight is wonderful [ We all have it. But the line made me think;【56】How much time do we spend thinking of the many "if onlys" in our lives? How many regrets flit through our thoughts? Everyone harbors a few—if only I hadn’t missed this; if only I’d found the time to do that;【57】if only I’d been first with that idea, instead of just a little too late.
    "If onlys" are exercises in futility. I think it’s better to fill our reveries with all we are glad we did do. Such as, I’m so glad I met my husband. I’ m so glad I was born in this time, in this place, to these parents.【58】I’ m so glad I have the loving extended family who have been among my greatest blessings.
    I’ m so glad I planted that spindly little magnolia tree 20 years ago.【59】Now it lifts up its arms to the sky and fills my view with pink-and-white beauty. I’ m so glad my grandfather planted apple trees 100 years ago. They, too, are a wonder to behold in any season—alive with honeybees among the blossoms in spring, studded with burgeoning fruit in summer, and weighed low with their delicious rosy bounty in September.



解析 (if only要是…多好, 表示一种愿望,所以译文中增添了“期望”一词,“那些”表达了“if onlys”的复数概念。)
