Wealthy Chinese tourists are expected to spend a billion pounds on luxury goods during the sales. The booming "Peking Pound" has

admin2022-05-13  49

问题 Wealthy Chinese tourists are expected to spend a billion pounds on luxury goods during the sales. The booming "Peking Pound" has accounted for almost a third of post-Christmas purchases of high end goods such as Burberry, Mulberry, Louis Vuitton and Gucci. Many West End stores have appointed assistants who speak Mandarin to help cash in on the massive new market.
  Retail analysts said Chinese shoppers have taken over from Russians and Arabs as the biggest spenders on luxury items in Britain. "Like anyone, they enjoy getting a bargain so the post-Christmas sales are inevitably an especially busy period." China’s rapidly-growing economy has generated a vast new market for luxury goods. But the high taxes levied on imported Western goods in China makes purchasing these products in Britain 20 to 30 per cent cheaper for them. They are also attracted by the cachet of buying a luxury item from its country of origin.
  He said Chinese buyers now account for about 30 per cent of the luxury goods market in Britain, followed by Russians, Arabs and Japanese, with British shoppers making up only around 15 per cent of the purchases. Luxury fashion house Burberry says Chinese shoppers make up nearly a third of the customers in its London stores, helping to boost sales by more than a fifth in 2010.


答案 有数据统计,中国游客在国外的阔气程度已经达到了让老外都“目瞪口呆”的程度,光中国游客在国外的圣诞消费预期就已经达到了10亿英镑,能够夺取“中国款爷”芳心的全是让人“眼晕目眩”的奢侈品,比如巴宝莉、玛百莉、路易威登和古奇等。许多西方奢侈品店已经特意安排会说普通话的店员,以便更好融进这一新兴的庞大的中国人市场。   中国游客“不负众望”成功压过俄罗斯以及阿拉伯的富豪们,成功“问鼎”在英国奢侈品最大买家。“中国游客与别的国家游客一样,同样会因为圣诞打折而疯狂购物。”专业人士分析,中国消费者疯狂购物多少也和中国经济迅速增长的大环境有关,因为奢侈品在中国因税收关系价格过高等原因,中国游客一到国外就会比别人更疯狂购物,因为在英国奢侈品比在中国要便宜20%到30%。此外,中国人还抱有一丝崇洋媚外的心理,觉得产在国外的东西肯定比国内的要好,所以中国人很疯狂。   中国人购买的奢侈品已经占英国市场上30%的份额,紧接着是俄国人、阿拉伯人和日本人,而英国本国人仅占15%。著名奢侈品牌巴宝莉称,他们在伦敦的中国消费者数量已经占其总消费人数的1/3,中国人帮助他们在2010生意红翻天,增长了20%的业绩。

解析     第一段第一句“Wealthy Chinese tourists are expected to spend a billion pounds on luxury goods during the sales.”翻译成“有数据统计,中国游客在国外的阔气程度已经达到了让老外都‘目瞪口呆’的程度,光中国游客在国外的圣诞消费预期就已经达到了10亿英镑。”增加了不少翻译内容,是对原文意思和要表达效果的综合体现。第二句“Peking Pound”这一针对崛起的大量中国消费人群而创造的新词汇很形象,直译“北京英镑”如果不加解释简直就是不知所云,翻译成“中国款爷”既符合这一新词的时尚特征又不乏诙谐的味道,与原文可谓异曲同工。
  第二段几句话有事实有论点,需要在翻译前先抓主要意思和重点,调整语序、结构。第一句是事实,翻译时增加了一些内容,从而增强了表达效果。第二句引号是援引的话,后面的是分析人士对原因的分析。第二段最后一句“They are also attracted by the cachet of buying a luxury item from its country of origin.”句子不长,英语很好理解,但用汉语表达出来有一定难度,因为汉语中我们找不到与cachet对应的词可以完全表达出相应的意思,而只能按意思去意译,“此外,中国人还抱有一丝崇洋媚外的心理,觉得产在国外的东西肯定比国内的要好,所以中国人很疯狂。”
