1. The computer session has been moved to Room 110 and the______will now be held in Room 201. 2. Team Leaders are to take keys a

admin2014-02-20  25

问题 1. The computer session has been moved to Room 110 and the______will now be held in Room 201.
2. Team Leaders are to take keys and______to Point B by 3 o’clock.
3. Team Leaders will not have to do any______this afternoon.
4. Airport coaches will leave tomorrow morning from the______marked Airport.
5. Local buses will leave from ______
6. Next year’s conference will probably be held at the______in Birmingham.
7. Information about the______for example, will be sent later.
8. The guest speaker next year will lecture on______.
9. This afternoon Alan Smith will speak in Room______.
10. Complimentary videos are available from______.
11. The video features new______ .
12. The party is at 8 p.m. this evening in the______.
Man: Ladies and gentlemen. If I could just have your attention for a few moments please, I have a few final notices to give you before we all go into this last session of our conference.
    First of all, I’d like to say that this afternoon’s computer session has proved to be much more popular than we anticipated, so we’re moving this session to Room 110. That’s on the first floor. This means that the Marketing Seminar will be moved to Room 201. Room 201 is on the second floor. The times for all sessions are unchanged. I hope that’s clear to everyone. Yes?
    Next, a notice for team leaders. Will you please hand in your keys and your completed attendance lists to reception Point B, where I will collect them. Could you do this at the latest by 3 o’clock, please. There is no paperwork for team leaders to do this afternoon, you’ll be pleased to know.
    Now, I have to inform you of a last minute change for those flying home. No. Don’t worry. Nothing major. You’ll still be able to enjoy the party this evening. It’s just that the coaches to the airport will now leave tomorrow morning a little later, at 9 a.m. sharp, instead of 8:30. And please be at the collection point—that’s outside at least 10 minutes before, so I can check your names. The collection point is marked "Airport". Thank you. The other buses—that’s the six coaches for local travel—will leave as arranged.. . look at your Fact Sheets .. . same times . .. same place ... for local destinations, go to the West Gate.
    Now, to the future. I have a note from Personnel that the venue for next year is already fixed. It will be in Birmingham, and is most likely to be at the Central Business School. Of course you’ll get details of things like the timetable nearer the time. One of the guest speakers will be Dr Lewis Worth. Yes, the famous author from the Los Angeles Institute of Business will be talking about Creative Management. I’m sure we’ll all be looking forward to that. Again, details will come to you nearer the time.
    Oh, talking of speakers, that reminds me, in the afternoon there will be a change of speaker. Alan Smith will substitute for Sue Kennedy, who unfortunately is unwell. Same times, but the room will also change, from 600 to 610.
    Well, I’d just like to say... Oh yes . .. one more thing. Don’t forget to collect your complimentary video from the conference office. You can drop in there any time throughout the afternoon. It’s a preview of our new advertisements. I would draw your attention especially to Film 3. Quite a few surprises. Should be good.
    So that’s it, I think. It’s been a highly successful conference this year as always. So with my thanks to all concerned for the arrangements and my thanks to you all for contributing, I look forward to meeting you individually tonight at the party . . . which starts at 8 p. m. in the Garden Room. And I hope to see you all in Birmingham next year!


答案Creative Management

