
admin2011-05-29  49

问题     自从理查德·尼克松向癌症宣战以来已经有三十年了。其间,不少专家、学者耗费巨资试图寻找各种方法以攻克这个难题。但是今天的癌症死亡率与七十年代仍旧差不多一样高。美国妇女中死于乳腺癌患者是世界上许多其他国家的五到三十倍。在泰国每十万妇女中仅2至5人死于乳腺癌,而美国的妇女会有30至40人遭此厄运。就其原因,没有人会否认其与饮食很有关系。因此人们必须十分重视良好的饮食习惯。虽说正确的饮食习惯不能根除世界上的癌症,但它有利于减少患癌症的风险。


答案It has already been three decades since Richard Nixon declared was against cancer, during which many specialists and scholars spent a large mount of money trying to seek various ways to crack this hard nut. Yet today the death rate of cancer is nearly as high as it was in the 1970s. The death rate from breast Cancer in the US is five to thirty times as high as that of many other countries of the world. In Thailand, only two to five out of every 100,000 women die of breast cancer, whereas in the United States, 30 to 40 meet that fate. Among all the reasons, no one denies that diet is a large factor. Hence people should place a great emphasis on good eating habits. Though proper eating habits can’t eliminate cancer, they can help reduce the risk of cancer worldwide.

