
admin2010-12-06  54

问题    现在,成千上万的美国人沉湎于对身材苗条的追求之中。他们着迷于节食和,锻炼,这不仅仅是因为他们对年轻外表的追求。最近的一项研究表明了节食和体育锻炼对身体健康极端重要。如同在许多工业技术发达的国家一样,北美人的生活方式发生了显著的变化。现代化的机器完成了人们曾被迫用手工来完成的体力劳动。小汽车、公共汽车运载着我们飞快地从一地来到另一地。由于无所事事,人们的身体变得十分虚弱,并易于生病,为了避免这种状况的发生,成千上万的美国人把更多的时间投入到体育锻炼中。这种对体育锻炼重要性的认识所产生的结果是显而易见的:公园里到处都是散步和骑自行车的人,体育节目又重新树立了威望,许多公司都为自己的员工提供特殊的运动器材以让他们在工作日中锻炼身体。


答案 Nowadays, thousands of Americans indulge in the pursuit of slim bodies. They are possessed by on diet and exercise, which is not just the result of going in for young exterior. A recent research shows the extreme importance that on diet and exercise are of to keeping healthy. Like in many countries with highly developed industrial technology, the life style of North Americans has undergone dramatic changes. Modern machinery has completed physical work once done by compelled hands. We move fast from one place to another by cars and buses. Due to idleness, bodies become quite fragile and are inclined to sickness. To avoid the occurrence of such things, thousands of Americans devote more time in doing exercise. And the consequence brought by the realization of the importance of physical exercise is obvious: People who are walking and riding in parks are here and there; sport programs once again establish their prestige; many firms provide special sport equipments for their staff to do exercise during their working day.

