Write an answer to one of the questions 2--4 in this part. Write 200--250 words on the separate answer paper provided. Qu

admin2010-01-29  34

问题    Write an answer to one of the questions 2--4 in this part.
   Write 200--250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
    Question 2
   Your company has been concerned with the disposal of its used computers which have not been fully depreciated. You have been asked to write a proposal concerning better ways of disposing used computers. Write your proposal, including the following..
    a description of what has happened to the old computers in the past
    a description of a new way of disposing of used computers
    an explanation of why this new approach is sound
    recommendations for further research on this approach
    Question 3
   Your company has been receiving complaints about the employees’ manner of answering phone calls from customers. Your manager has asked you to write a report of the problems with the way the employees handling phone calls from customers. Write the report, including the following information:
    why phone calls from customers are of significance to the company
    what complaints there are about the employees’ manner of answering phone calls
    what can be done to redress the problems
   Question 4
   Your company has not been paid promptly by some of the clients. Your manager has asked you to write a letter to the manager representing the client to urge the payment of the bill. Write the letter to the manager:
    reminding him of the bill past due
    explaining that the delay is not your fault and therefore, not justifiable
    clarifying when and how the payment should be collected


答案 Complaints about employees’ manner of answering phone calls Our customers like to call the store. We get hundreds of calls a day. They ask about the hours of operation, whether an item is available, or whether a sale has begun or ended. They call. However, some of our employees don’t seem to like to answer customer calls. During the month of October, for instance 120 complaints were received by the office about the manner in which our employees answered telephone calls. The most common complaint is rudeness. Customers report that our employees are curt, impatient, and in some instances, actually abusive. The next most common complaint is that they don’t understand the employees, employees are said to speak quickly, to mumble, and in some case to talk with what sounds like food in their mouths. The third most common complaint is that the telephones are always busy. One customer complained that she was unable to get through to us for three days. It could be possible that the telephones were taken off the hook from time to time. As we approach the Christmas season, we can expect the volume of calls to departments in the store to increase. We can’t afford to have our customers treated in the manner described above. Therefore, we need to conduct one-hour training sessions on proper telephone etiquette. All employees need to be scheduled to attend one of these sessions on different dates, and a schedule should be worked out.

