过去一个星期以来,差不多每天晚上,本街43号都有人打麻将,由十点钟开始,一直打到深夜三点甚至四点,喧闹不堪,使我们无法入睡。我们曾经同他们交涉,但他们却变本加厉。希望你们能派人去制止这种行为。 注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基

admin2014-10-09  50

问题 过去一个星期以来,差不多每天晚上,本街43号都有人打麻将,由十点钟开始,一直打到深夜三点甚至四点,喧闹不堪,使我们无法入睡。我们曾经同他们交涉,但他们却变本加厉。希望你们能派人去制止这种行为。
   Words for reference:麻将mahjong;投诉、抱怨complain;制止put a stop  


答案May 24th, 2002z Huanggu District Police Station Shenyang Dear Sir, Almost every night during the past week, people living next door at 43 of this street would start seeking pleasure at the mahjong table at about ten o’clock and continue their play, ac- companied of course by loud laughter and curses and cheers, till three or even four in the early morning. We could not go to sleep before they ceased playing as the noise they created was loud enough to wake up any dead man. We have complained to them about this but this only brought louder noises and longer hours of disturbance. Will you please send some of your men to put a stop to such a nuisance? Yours faithfully, ××

解析 *写信日期写在右上角。
