A、His uncle. B、Melissa. C、His aunt. D、Not clear. C对话一开始就说皮特的阿姨留给他一笔财产。故选C。

admin2017-08-23  13

W: I hear (12) Pete’s aunt left him everything.
M: Absolutely right, he inherited a fortune out of the blue.
W: He knew nothing about it then. How exciting!
M: You bet! When he heard about it, he was over the moon.
W: So what’s his problem now?
M: Well, (13) he’s in deep water because he spent the whole lot in a month and then his girlfriend walked out on him.
W: You’re kidding. I thought he’d asked her to marry him?
M: He was going to ask her, and then he got cold feet.
W: So what next?
M: Looks like he’ll have to pull his socks up and get a job.
W: And a new girlfriend. (15) What about that girl he used to work with? Mm- Miranda, Marilyn—no, that’s not it, her name’s on the tip of my tongue.
M: You mean Melissa. Whatever you do, don’t mention Melissa! (14) She told him he was a waste of space, money or no money.
W: Oh, dear, I’m glad you told me, otherwise I might have put my foot in it.
12. Who left Pete a fortune?
13. Why did Pete’s girlfriend leave him?
14. What’s Melissa’s view about Pete?
15. What kind of relationship do the two speakers have with Pete?

选项 A、His uncle.
C、His aunt.
D、Not clear.


解析 对话一开始就说皮特的阿姨留给他一笔财产。故选C。
