明代绘画 明代 (1368—1644) 社会政治经济稳定,文化艺术更加发达,出现了一些以地区为中心的名家与流派,各成体系,各个画科都得到全面发展。 明代中期 (1506—1620) ,随着工商业的发展,作为纺织业中心的苏州逐渐成为江南富庶的

admin2022-06-23  54

问题                                                 明代绘画
    明代 (1368—1644) 社会政治经济稳定,文化艺术更加发达,出现了一些以地区为中心的名家与流派,各成体系,各个画科都得到全面发展。
    明代中期 (1506—1620) ,随着工商业的发展,作为纺织业中心的苏州逐渐成为江南富庶的大都市,文化繁荣,文人荟萃,此地区画家逐渐成为画坛的主力。许多游山玩水的文人士大夫以画自娱,继承和发展了崇尚笔墨意趣的文人画传统,其中较为著名的画家有沈周、文征明、唐寅、仇英等。
    明代绘画以传统的山水、花鸟画为盛,人物画较少,一般只描绘帝后的肖像和行乐生活。但到了明代后期 (约1628—1644) ,绘画领域出现了新的转机。徐渭进一步完善了水墨写意花鸟画的变革,其画风直抒胸臆,能产生动人心弦的艺术感染力。


答案 Paintings of Ming Dynasty In the dynasty of Ming (1368—1644), thanks to its social, political and economic stability, culture and art were so advanced that there appeared some region-centered celebrated painters and schools with distinct painting systems. During that period, all the painting categories have got all-round development. In the mid-term of Ming dynasty (1506—1620), with the development of industry and commerce, Suzhou, a textile industry center, gradually developed into a prosperous metropolis in the regions south of the Yangtze River. The culture was flourishing and there was also a galaxy of scholars. The painters here became the main force of the painting circles. Many literati and officialdom travelling around entertained themselves with painting and inherited and developed the tradition of literati painting with focus on interest and significance of ink and wash. Among some well-known painters are Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and Qiu Yin. The painting in Ming Dynasty concentrated on traditional landscape, flowers and birds while there were scarce figure paintings which only depicted portrait and funny life of emperor and empress. Till the late Ming dynasty (approximately 1628—1644), some fresh changes were around the corner. Xu Wei further improved the ink painting, freehand brush work, bird-and-flower painting. His painting characterized by directly expressing his feelings thus producing inspiring artistic appeal. Excerpts from Chinese Painting

