那是一个秋日微凉的黄昏。 刚跟丈夫怄过气,一头湿漉漉的乱发披散,站在院子的当口,让风使劲吹着。 “过来!坏脾气妞!”说话的当儿,丈夫已拿着电吹风从房里走出来。没好意思再别扭,便拉过一把椅子顺从地坐下来。就这样,面对着满院灿烂的花,不说一句话

admin2019-08-19  41

问题     那是一个秋日微凉的黄昏。


答案 It was towards sunset on a cool autumn day. Having just bickered with my husband, I stood irritated in a draught by the gate of the yard, letting my wet unkempt hair flutter fiercely over my shoulders. "Come over, you peevish girl!" said my husband walking out into the yard with a blow dryer. I could not very well resist but pull a chair and sit down compliantly. The blooming flowers of the yard presenting a riot of color before my eyes quietly dispelled all my grudges. I felt warmth coming off and on around my ears while the mist of vapor was dispersing. "Perhaps, this scene will come back to you years later when you sit alone at sunset like this." A tinge of melancholy was tangible in my husband’s voice, which broke the long silence. "What about you then?" I asked. My husband turned off the blow dryer and looked at me with a smile. After adjusting the pose of my head, he let the blow dryer work again. It was quite some time before he gave a reply: "Gone long before you." His voice was so sure yet so calm. It suddenly dawned on me that taciturn as he had been all the time, there was regret deep in his heart. I was awe-struck like a mischievous boy brought face to face with the damage he had done. If after many years I was, as God would have it, left alone watching the glory of the flowers, would I have the heart to contemplate and figure out what there is now in my husband’s mind? The Buddha says: it takes five hundred years’ religious devotion for people to acquire a chance of sharing a boat and one thousand years of sharing a marriage bed. But how long is it to keep each other’s company in wedlock?

解析     “怄过气”指完成的动作,但结合语境可知,我当时仍在气头上,故“站”译为stood irritated。句中的“风”指过堂风,应译为draught。这句话的主句是“站在院子的当口”,主语是未明确写出的“我”,“刚跟丈夫怄过气”作时间状语。“让风使劲吹着”的主语是“一头湿漉漉的披散的乱发”,这部分是主句的伴随状语,译为letting my wet unkempt hair flutter fiercely over my shoulders表现出了风吹长发的画面。
    “修”在这里意为“修行”,指的是宗教方面的各种虔诚举动,这里使用religious devotion加以总结和概括,语言更为简练。“同舟”和“同枕”中的“同”都表示“共同,共用”,对应英文中的动词share。“同枕眠”强调的是两个人结为夫妻,共同生活,因此在bed前加上marriage,便于译文读者理解这句话的真正含义。
