大力推动自主创新。中央财政用于科技的投入五年累计8 729亿元,年均增长超过18%。全社会研究与试验发展经费支出占国内生产总值的比重由2007年的1.4%提高到2012年的1.97%,企业研发活动支出占比超过74%。出台深化科技体制改革加快国家创新体系建设

admin2019-04-11  103

问题     大力推动自主创新。中央财政用于科技的投入五年累计8 729亿元,年均增长超过18%。全社会研究与试验发展经费支出占国内生产总值的比重由2007年的1.4%提高到2012年的1.97%,企业研发活动支出占比超过74%。出台深化科技体制改革加快国家创新体系建设的意见。深入实施国家技术创新工程和知识创新工程,扎实推进国家科技重大专项,新建一批国家工程中心、重点实验室和企业技术中心。加强基础研究和前沿探索,突破一批关键核心技术,填补了多项重大产品和装备的空白。


答案We vigorously promoted innovation. The central government spent 872. 9 billion yuan to develop science and technology in the past five years, with an average annual increase of over 18%. China’s R&D spending accounted for 1. 97% of GDP in 2012, up from 1.4% in 2007, and over 74% of this spending was made by companies. The Guidelines on Deepening Reform of the Management System for Science and Technology and Accelerating Development of a National Innovation System were adopted. We carried out a national technology innovation project and a knowledge innovation project, made solid progress in implementing major national R&D projects, and set up a number of national engineering centers, key laboratories and enterprise technology centers. We boosted basic research and research in frontier areas, made breakthroughs in a number of core and key technologies, and filled in gaps in many important products and equipment. We implemented the strategy for making China strong through training competent personnel. We trained more personnel of all types, with the focus on high-level and highly skilled personnel. As a result, the number of personnel with special expertise and highly skilled personnel increased by 8.6 million and 8. 8 million respectively. A total of 540, 000 overseas students returned. We put greater effort into developing the cultural sector. Network of public cultural facilities covering both urban and rural areas is taking shape, and all museums, libraries and cultural centers in China are open to the public free of charge. We basically transformed state-owned for-profit cultural institutions into business enterprises, and deepened reform of internal operating mechanisms of non-profit cultural institutions. Philosophy and the social sciences, the press and publishing, radio, television and film, and literature and art are flourishing, and cultural industries developed rapidly. We made major progress in protecting cultural relics and preserving and passing on intangible cultural heritage. Cultural exchanges with other countries increased. New progress was made in nationwide fitness activities and competitive sports.

