
admin2014-05-09  31

问题     据统计,今年国庆8天长假期间,全国发生了6.8万多起交通事故。与去年同期相比,数量有了大幅下降,但是如此数据仍令人心惊。尽管公安部出台了一系列的规定,对违反交通规则者予以惩罚,但结果并不显著,每年全国仍有许多交通事故。毋庸讳言,所谓的“中国式过马路”其实已经成为城市交通管理的一种“痼疾”,这一现象折射出的,不仅是管理手段的乏力与无奈,还有国人规则意识的淡薄。


答案 Statistics show that more than 68 thousand traffic accidents were reported during the 8-day-long National Day holiday this year. The figure is still alarmingly high, though there was a sharp decline in the number of traffic accidents compared with the same period of last year. Despite a series of measures introduced by the Ministry of Public Security to punish those who break traffic rules, the situation has changed little, as evidenced by the still high number of traffic accidents across the country every year. The so-called "Chinese way of road crossing" has, undoubtedly, become a malady in urban traffic management. What the phenomenon reflects is not only the ineffectiveness of traffic management measures, but also a low level of awareness of traffic rules among the public. Many people attribute traffic accidents to the aggressive driving of car drivers who, to some extent, have turned the zebra crossing into lines of death. Much as we may complain, we also need to reflect on the responsibilities of ourselves as pedestrians. The mentality many people share in Chinese culture has been that we don’t need to strictly follow the rules that have been set, leading to misdeeds which do not count as illegal being increasingly common. As so often is the case, people do not act exactly according to the established rules in society at large. The “Chinese way of road crossing" reflects the bad habits of not conforming to rules which we have developed during the economic development in the past.

