It’s said that Gov. Jon Corzine suffered from a sever injury probably because ______. What measures has the government adopted

admin2009-04-23  21

问题 It’s said that Gov. Jon Corzine suffered from a sever injury probably because ______.
What measures has the government adopted to promote the use of a seat belt?


答案The measures include public-service admonitions and fines in some states.

解析 由于题干中关键词the government与文中public-service和some states相呼应,于是定位到原文首段第二句后半句...that despite the barrage of public-service admonitions—and fines in some states for failing to wear a seat belt—not everyone does it automatically(尽管一系列声势浩大的公共舆论告诫人们使用安全带的重要性,还有一些州对没有系安全带的人采取罚款的制裁,还是有人不能把安全带自动系上),由此推断,政府的措施就是公众舆论和罚款。
