What is the current topic of common interest among the very rich in America? What is the real reason for plutocrats to express

admin2008-12-18  13

问题 What is the current topic of common interest among the very rich in America?
What is the real reason for plutocrats to express solidarity with the middle class?

选项 A、They want to protect themselves from confiscatory taxation.
B、They know that the middle class contributes most to society.
C、They want to gain support for global economic integration.
D、They feel increasingly threatened by economic insecurity.


解析 本题问“有钱有势的人为什么会站在中产阶级的立场上说话”。短文第六段中提到由收入不平等造成的税收增加的趋势还不至于让这些富豪忧心仲仲,而第七段给出了富人这么做的根本原因:"No,what they fear was that the political challenges of sustaining support for global economic integration will be more difficult in the United States because of what has happened to the distribution of income and economic insecurity.”,也就是说有钱人怕财产和经济风险分配不均会使美国在持续支持全球经济一体化的过程中遭遇更多的政治难题,因此C项“他们想为全球经济一体化赢得支持”为正确选项。A项“他们企图免交没收性的税款”。这并不是富人焦虑的根本原因。B项“他们知道中产阶级对社会的贡献最大”、D项“他们感到经济风险所造成的威胁越来越大了”。文中均未提及。
