
admin2013-01-24  44

问题 我开始向往看到…大片的红色,来振奋我的精神。我到西山去找枫林的红叶。但眼前这一闪光艳,是秋天的“临去秋波”,很快便被朔风吹落了。在怅惘迷茫之中,我凝视着满山满谷的吹落的红叶,而“向前看”的思路,却把我的心情渐渐引得欢畅了起来!“落红不是无情物”,它将在春泥中融化,来滋润培养它的新一代。这时,我眼前突兀地出现了一幅绿意迎人的图画!那是有一年的冬天,我回到我的故乡去,坐汽车从公路讲入祖国的南疆。小车在层层叠嶂中穿行,两旁是密密层层的参天绿树;苍绿的是松柏,翠绿的是竹子,中间还有许许多多不知名的、色调深浅不同的绿树,衬以遍地的萋萋的芳草。“绿”把我包围起来了。我从惊喜而沉入恬静,静默地、欢跃地陶醉在这铺天羔地的绿色之中。


答案At the moment there suddenly appeared before my eyes a vision of green. One year, in winter. I returned to my hometown, traveling by car on a highway to the southern border of our country. The small car wound its way over hill and dale, both sides of the road thickly wooded with towering green trees: grey green pines and cypresses and emerald green bamboo. And there were many other trees whose names I did not know. The varied green of the trees were set off by a carpet of luxuriant lawn. I was cocooned in "green". From delighted surprise I entered a state of pleasant calm. I was quietly, happily intoxicated in the midst of this all-encompassing green.

