Three years ago, on January 13th, Rukhsar Khatun, then 15 months old, was diagnosed with polio. She now has a crippled leg and s

admin2018-03-01  20

问题     Three years ago, on January 13th, Rukhsar Khatun, then 15 months old, was diagnosed with polio. She now has a crippled leg and struggles to keep up with her friends. But this little girl, from a West Bengali village, can claim some fame: she is, with luck, the last Indian to be infected with the wild polio virus. Enough time has passed with no new case for India shortly to be certified as free of the pain.
    That is a big success. India’s anti-polio campaign began in 1995 with severe disadvantages. The country spends little on public health, barely 1% of GDP, and has been awful at immunising children. Too few parents know the basics of hygiene and nutrition, let alone the benefits of vaccines. India has bad sanitation, large remote populations and vast migration from village to slum.
    Yet much has gone right. The anti-polio campaign received over $3 billion, mostly from within India itself, and deployed 2.4m vaccinators. UNICEF, the World Health Organisation (WHO), Rotary International and the Gates Foundation (both charities) gave technical help. Religious leaders reassured people suspicious about vaccinations, and politicians knocked on doors to make sure children took their medicine.
    At the peak of coverage, 99.1% of the target population swallowed anti-polio drops, says Anuradha Gupta of the national health ministry. That is surprisingly high, considering that a decade ago "universal" vaccination coverage for seven preventable diseases was a pitiful 30% in Bihar, a big, poor northern state.
    India’s campaign has been successful enough for its lessons to be applied in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria, the last places with endemic polio. Vaccinators learned to attend especially to mobile populations, like seasonal workers at brick kilns, and found that many migrants are best reached not at home but in bus and railway stations.
    Good monitoring was crucial, too. In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, vaccinators visited 60m households several times a year, says Hamid Jafari of the WHO. To compile data on receivers, some 400,000 hard-to-reach population groups were carefully tracked and plotted, down to each household. Data passed early to decision-makers, at the district-official level, allowed a quick response to new cases.
We know from the second paragraph that ______.

选项 A、India spends the least on public health in the world
B、few parents in India know the ABC of health care
C、few Indians would stay in slum because of bad hygiene
D、most parents in India are aware of the advantages of vaccines


解析 选项A与第二段第三句话相关:The country spends little on public health, barely 1%of GDP… 文章只是说印度在公共健康上的支出非常少,并没有说是世界上最少的,故该项表述错误。选项B对应原文“Too few parents know the basics of hygiene and nutrition”一句,而该项中的“the ABC of health care(卫生保健的基础知识)”对应“basics of hygiene(卫生的基础)”,故该项表述正确。选项C中的“slum”,“bad hygiene”等词文章有提到,但并没有说“由于卫生情况糟糕,很少有印度人愿意待在贫民窟”,该项属于无中生有,故错误。选项D对应原文这句话:Too few parents know the basics of hygiene and nutrition, let alone the benefits of vaccines.(很少有父母了解关于卫生和营养的基础知识,更别说接种疫苗的好处了。)可见该项表述与原文相反,故错误。
