Can you tell me about your future career plans?

admin2010-02-11  38

问题 Can you tell me about your future career plans?


答案Suggested answers: a.I have to work out my priorities and my career must come first. Making money is not my top priority at the moment. I graduated from the university last year. I plan to complete a bachelor of business administration degree with honors in accounting at the Open University in two years. Actually, I did secure a place in Form Six but I chose to go for the higher diploma programs in accountancy, as I am more interested in those subjects. I hope that the future will bring a good fortune and the fulfillment of my aspirations for finding fame as a successful businessman. b.In choosing employment I always set a high value on the interest of the work and a much lower value on the pay offered. I had dreamt of being a doctor when I was small, but I chose business subjects because I thought they offered a better future. I have many things in hand at the moment. The first thing for the moment is to improve my business English. This may be a little late, but better late than never. c.I work for a multinational firm as a works manager. I feel that I am walking a tightrope. It is so hard to balance everyone’s needs. Of course, life will not be entirely free of challenges. Aim to deal with them as they appear and when opportunities come my way, there will be nothing holding me back. I would like to have had more control over my personal life. Sometimes it was hard to predict whether I would have a weekend off. d.It is very difficult for college graduates to find a well-paid job. Every dog has its day. I will undertake a MBA. I want to make myself more relevant in a workplace where the qualification is becoming an entrance criterion for many jobs. While the MBA may come with a high price tag, I believe the investment in money and time will provide a fast return. e.I didn’t strike lucky yesterday, and I hope for better today. I’m looking for a vacancy for news spreading, or news products marketing, or public relations at news media. It is difficult to lind a satisfactory job nowadays. My ambition takes a real battering at the moment as I make choices for my career paths and need to choose where I will carry on with my studies. Sometimes I have a strong desire to start my own business. f.I am 23 years old and still wet behind the ears when I leave school. I think I will be bone dry when I come out of a company in a few years. I always look at the bright side of the things. I need to find a job first. I will have to learn how to get the best out of a bad one and how to look after a good one. g.I want to be an English teacher. I enjoy teaching and passing on the knowledge I have accumulated to students. What I should do is apply the principle of good teacher to developing career. Life is not a bed of roses. I have to learn more about English language. I believe that education can greatly enrich my life. If possible, I will take on in-service training or on-the-job training so as to improve my English. h.t am an estate agent. I help people to buy and sell property, and then take a percentage of the sale price, t have been in this business for years and I think I can safely say I’m good at it. Not because I’ve got fancy visual aids, not because I’ve got a wardrobe full of designer suits-not me! -And certainly not because I have stacks of little note cards. What I should do is to apply the principle of good business to developing career. i.I am a businessman. I am enjoying doing my own business. No business works without targets. How much do you want to achieve in a short period. That is the target. Perhaps, I may make a switch, and work for a larger corporation in the future. If I am put in charge of anything, be it a section, a department, or even I am put in charge of a struggling business, I will try my best to turn it around into a winning organization, provided I am given the backing. That what I can do. Foresight. Seeing what’s needed to sort the problem out. If I have not got the skills I’ll bring in the person needed. If I am assigned to a job, I will take it seriously. We should take things on board and treat it like a business. As a result, the end product will be one that blossoms. j.I’m a computer consultant. I’m working for an IT company now. I telecommute with clients all over the country. I plan to spend my part-time to take on Business English courses. I also want to gain experience. Then I hope to find a better-paid job. I hope to be put in charge of a department. The duties are very different from my previous duties, whereas I may gain more experience. In my new job I have greater responsibility than before. On the other hand the work is more varied and more challenging. k.I work for an investment company in Beijing. I work part-time. When I finish my on-the-job training, I will work full-time telecommuter for another company, It is great. I could work better at home, because there are no distractions. What I like best is that I can work for several hours at a time. Then I can take a break and be with my family. I do some work-ups at night and I use it for brainstorming on the weekends. l.We the younger generation is better off than the older generation. We have more freedom, more opportunities. I think most of us young people like being abroad, far from home. I plan to find a job first. If possible, I’ll take more in-service training courses, and then gain experience and higher qualification. I would like to look for more out of life. m.I’m working for a large company. People sometimes feel undervalued. But I believe I have more to offer. I’ll try best, and work my way up the corporate ladder. I believe that I will finally reach the top of my profession. The future is in my own hands. n.I serve as a personal assistant to the executive director. I want to advance in my job, make a career change or simply want to explore a subject I’m fascinated by. I’m looking for a good open university. o.I’m employed by an international firm. I hope to take one-off courses, diplomas, a degree or a postgraduate degree. I hope in-service training can offer introductory courses and short courses. I cherish the moment.

解析 考生可以参考以上材料,给出自己的回答。有三四句话即可,不必说很多。Strike lucky交好运,撞运气。 take a real battering遭受冲击,经受磨练。brainstorm 集思广益,各抒己见,献计献策。a high price tag 高价标签。MBA (Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士。
