《随园诗话》:“画家有读画之说,余谓画无可读者,读其诗也。”随园老人这句话是有见地的。读是读诵之意,必有文章词句然后方可读诵,画如何可读?所以读画云者,应该是读诵画中之诗。 诗与画是两个类型,在对象、工具、手法,各方面均不相同。但是类型的混淆,古已

admin2016-10-27  76

问题     《随园诗话》:“画家有读画之说,余谓画无可读者,读其诗也。”随园老人这句话是有见地的。读是读诵之意,必有文章词句然后方可读诵,画如何可读?所以读画云者,应该是读诵画中之诗。
    诗与画是两个类型,在对象、工具、手法,各方面均不相同。但是类型的混淆,古已有之。在西洋,所谓Ut pictura poesis,“诗既如此,画亦同然”,早已成为艺术批评上的一句名言。我们中国也特别称道王摩诘的“画中有诗,诗中有画”。究竟诗与画是各有领域的。我们读一首诗,可以欣赏其中的景物的描写,所谓“历历如绘”。如诗之极致究竟别有所在,其着重点在于人的概念与情感。所谓诗意、诗趣、诗境,虽然多少有些抽象,究竟是以语言文字来表达最为适宜。我们看一幅画,可以欣赏其中所蕴藏的诗的情趣,但是并非所有的画都有诗的情趣,而且画的主要的功用是在描绘一个意象。我们说读画,实在是在画里寻诗。


答案Yuan Mei has this to say in his Suiyuan Notes on Poetry, "Artists believe in the reading of a painting, yet I can find nothing to be read in a painting—What one reads is the poetry it bears. " The old gentleman was making a good point here. Reading means reciting, or chanting aloud the words to appreciate the meaning, so one must have the words and the text before one can do the reading. As such, how can you read a painting? The so-called reading of a painting, therefore, should be reading the poetry it carries. Poems and paintings fall under two different categories, different in many aspects including aesthetic interest, medium and technique. But confusions over the two genres have a long history. In the West, there is a saying Ut pictura poesis, " As in painting, so in poetry," which has long been regarded as an established observation in art criticism. In China, we too, have a particular liking for Wang Wei’s " having poetry in his painting and painting in his poetry. " However, we should draw a line between poetry and painting. While reading a poem, we may appreciate its description of scenery to a degree of " pictorial vividness. " Yet the essence of poetry lies somewhere else. That is, it has its ultimate aesthetic interest in human conceptions and emotions. What is called "poetic meaning , " " poetic taste, " and " poetic world, " abstract and elusive as these terms may sound, can after all be best captured in words. When viewing a painting, we may be drawn to it for its poetic inclination, yet not every picture has an inbuilt poetic inclination. More importantly, the primary function of painting is to depict an image. So, what we mean by reading a painting is in reality seeking poetry in its pictorial composition.

