For a long time psychoanalysis was the only formalized psychotherapy practiced in Western society. It was this type of therapy t

admin2013-06-10  26

问题     For a long time psychoanalysis was the only formalized psychotherapy practiced in Western society. It was this type of therapy that gave rise to the classic picture of a bearded Viennese doctor seated behind a patient who is lying on a couch.
    Psychoanalysis is based on the theories of Sigmund Freud. (46)According to Freud’s views, psychological disturbances are due to anxiety about hidden conflicts in the unconscious parts of one’s personality; therefore, one of the psychoanalysts job is to help make the patients aware of the unconscious impulses, desires, and fears that are causing the anxiety. Psychoanalysts believe that if patients can understand their unconscious motives, they have taken, the first step toward gaining control of their problems. Such understanding is called insight.
    Psychoanalysis is a slow procedure. It may take years of fifty-minute sessions several times a week before the patient is able to make fundamental changes in her life. (47)Throughout this time, the analyst assists his patient in a complete examination of the unconscious motives behind her behavior. This task begins with the analyst telling the patient to relax and talk about everything that comes into her mind. This method is called free association.
    As the patient lies on the couch, she may describe her dreams, discuss private thoughts, or recall long-forgotten experiences. The psychoanalyst often says nothing for long periods of time. (48)The psycho-analyst also occasionally makes remarks or asks questions that guide the patient, or he may suggest an unconscious motive or factor that explains something the patient has been talking about, but most of the work is done by the patient herself.
    Psychoanalysis has sometimes been criticized for being" all talk and no action". In behavior therapy there is much more emphasis on action. (49)Rather than spending a large amount of time going into the patient’s past history or the details of his or her dreams, the behavior therapist concentrates on finding out what is specifically wrong with the patient’s current life and takes steps to change it. The idea behind behavior therapy is that a disturbed person is one who has learned to behave in the wrong way. The therapist’s job, therefore, is to "reeducate" the patient. (50)The reasons for the patient’s undesirable behavior are not important; what is important is to change the patient’s behavior which is formed and reinforced in stressed environment and to establish new patterns of behavior for the patient.
    One technique used by behavior therapists is systematic recovery. This method is used to overcome irrational fears and anxieties the patient has learned. The goal of systematic recovery therapy is to encourage people to imagine the feared situation while relaxing. Having been taught how to relax, the patient learns to think about the past experience without being afraid. During this process, the therapist attempts to replace anxiety with its opposite, relaxation.



解析 此句的翻译共有3处地方需要注意。第一是两个定语从句(makes) remarks or (asks) questions that guide the patient和(suggest) an unconscious motive or factor that explains something the patient has been talking about.如果把这两个定语从句简单地对照英语翻译成前置定语就会使定语显得冗长,造成阅读困难。仔细分析句子可以看出,这两个定语从句虽然在句法上起修饰先行词(评论、问题;动机、因素)的作用,但是在语义上却表示目的,即(做出)评论或者(提出)问题的目的是引导病人进行讲述,(提示)潜意识的动机或因素是为了解释病人所谈论的事情。因此,我们可以将这两个宾语从句译为目的状语。这样,两个目的状语不仅在句法上避免了冗长的前置定语,而且在语义上又达到了原文定语从句的作用。第2个难点在于名词work的翻译。如果把work直译成"工作",则无法描述病人具体做了什么事情。work是一个抽象名词,语义模糊,在翻译时,需要将其语义具体化。因此,这里需要将"工作"的语义根据上文缩小为具体的事情,即"讲述自己的经历"。第3个难点是连接词but的翻译。由于前半句的副词occasionally (偶尔地)已经明确表明心理分析师很少说话或者打扰病人的讲述,如果把but直译为"但是",那么整个句子"心理分析师偶尔也做出…;他也会…。但是,多数时间都是病人在讲述自己的经历"则前后在语义上有矛盾。因此,不能简单地直译,而应该根据前后明确的语义关系,将but略译,加上"除此之外"以连接前后句子。考查点:定语从句的翻译;抽象名词翻译时语义的具体化处理;整个句子逻辑关系的处理。
