Figure skating was one of the events at the very first Winter Olympics in 1924. Before that, figure skaters had competed at the

admin2017-11-20  79

问题     Figure skating was one of the events at the very first Winter Olympics in 1924. Before that, figure skaters had competed at the Summer Games as early as 1908. Ice dancing is a relatively new addition to the Games, making its debut at the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria.
    The use of skates as a means of transportation in cold northern regions of the world began in prehistoric times. Ice-skating as a sport, however, originated in Holland. From there, it spread to the rest of northern Europe and North America. The world’s first ice-skating club was formed in Edinburgh, Scotland, sometime around the end of the seventeenth century.
    Though ice-skating is a highly technical activity, it is easy to appreciate. Millions of people around the world enjoy watching the harmonious movements of a skating couple even if they don’t know the names of the particular spins or jumps being used. They are simply attracted by the graceful beauty of this highly entertaining sport.(From Pair Skating and Ice Dancing 双人花样滑冰与冰上舞蹈)


答案 花样滑冰是1924年首届冬奥会的比赛项目之一。在那之前,早在1908年的夏季奥运会上,花样滑冰选手们就曾一起进行过比赛。冰上舞蹈则是奥运会中一个比较新的比赛项目,于1976年在奥地利因斯布鲁克冬季奥运会中首次作为比赛项目。 早在史前时代,冰鞋在寒冷的北国就被当作一种交通工具使用。然而,滑冰作为一项运动则起源于荷兰。从那儿又传到北欧的其他地区和北美洲。大约在17世纪末,全世界第一家滑冰俱乐部在苏格兰爱丁堡成立。 虽然滑冰是一项高技巧性的运动,但欣赏起来却很容易。即使不知道运动员采用的那些特殊旋转或跳跃动作的名称,全世界数百万的人也乐于欣赏一对滑冰选手表演出来的和谐动作。观众仅仅是被这项高娱乐性的运动展现的优雅美感所吸引。

