
admin2010-07-19  59

问题     她还清楚地记得,1941年,她刚刚在耀华中学上了半年高中,因交不起学费而中途辍学。妈妈卖掉最后一件首饰,送她到上海去自谋生路。上海,这个灯红酒绿的花花世界,对于一个初上舞台的青年女演员,处处都有是陷阱。她几次回到天津,想找个安定一些的职业,但迫于自己和朋友伞兵生计,又不得不重返舞台。往来于京沪道上,她目睹大雪封道时,躺在雪地上被鞭打的同胞。日本宪法兵在隆冬腊月,拿水龙浇散抢着登车的难民。


答案 In 1941 she dropped out of school after just one semester of senior high school because her family was unable to pay the tuition fee. Her mother sold the last piece of her jewelry to buy her a train ticket for Shanghai, where she was expected to earn a living on her own. Shanghai was a dazzling world of myriad temptations; yet to her, a young and inexperienced actress, it seemed a place filled with more pitfalls than opportunities. She went back to Tianjin several times to look for a more secure and stable job, but each time she was compelled to return to the stage to support herself and her friends. Once traveling between Tianjin and Shanghai, her train became snowbound. She saw Japanese military police lashing her countrymen lying in the snow.

