
admin2014-06-02  38

问题     时代变了,像她这样一个经历了两种社会,大起大落,酸甜苦辣,极度变化的演员,一旦当她走出本来生活的小圈子,走出舞台,走进社会生活的深水里、激流中,以她异常敏感的眼睛、富有情感的心灵去观察生活、体验生活时,她发现那些纷至沓来的新鲜事物,根本来不及用电影去表现。于是,从1958年开始,她的演员生活“淡出”,作家生活“淡人”。《特别的姑娘》,《小丫扛大旗》成了她在报告文学领域最初的收获。


答案  Time changed. Being an actress who had experienced two kinds of societies and a career filled with fresh twists and turns, she had a taste of all flavors of human strivings. As her perspective broadened and she began to move beyond the stage, the small circle she used to be confined to, she found herself a keen observer of what was going on about her. New things ran into her, one after another, so fast and fascinating that she decided something more efficient than motion picture was needed to convey her reflections on life. So, from 1958 onward her role of an actress gradually shifted to that of a writer. "A Strange Girl" and "Little Girl Shoulders a Big Flag" were her first fruits in the field of reportage.

解析   1.大起大落/酸甜苦辣/生活的深水里、激流中/“淡出”/“淡入”
  翻译要避免字面的干扰,以上一些比喻表达方法要根据语境转化。大起大落:ups and downs; twists and turns。酸甜苦辣: joys and sorrows; a taste of all flavors of human strivings。生活的深水里、激流中:As her perspective broadened。她的演员生活“淡出”,作家生活“淡人”:her role of an actress gradually shifted to that of a writer.   2.时代变了,悼她这样一个经历了两种社会,大起火落,酸甜苦辣,极度变化的演员,一旦当她走出本来生活的小圈子,走出舞台,走进社会生活的深水里、激流中,以她异常敏感的眼睛、富有情感的心灵去观察生活、体验生活时,她发现那些纷至沓来的新鲜事物,根本来不及用电影去表现。
  汉语主谓结构具有很大的多样性、复杂性和灵活性,因而句式呈“流散型”(Diffusiveness),英语句子有严谨的主谓结构。主谓协调一致(S-V concord),提纲挈领,聚集各种关系网络(Connective-nexus)。因此,英语句子主次分明,层次清楚,前呼后应,严密规范,句式呈“聚集型”(Compactness)。以上原文句式呈典型“流散型”,译文需转化为“聚集型”,分几个句子译:Time changed.Being an actress who had experienced two kinds of societies and a career filled with fresh twists and turns,She had a taste of all flavors of human strivings.As her perspective broadened and she began to move beyond the stage,the small circle she used to be confined to,she found herself a keen observer of what was going on about her.New things ran into her,one after another,so fast and fascinating that she decided something more efficient than motion picture was needed to convey her reflections on life.
  如按字面译的话会显得冗余,拖沓,且保持了汉语的“动态”习惯。使用keen observer译“异常敏感的眼睛、富有情感的心灵去观察生活、体验生活”,很好解决了以上两个问题。既简洁,又体现了英语的“静态”。
   《特别的姑娘》,《小丫扛大旗》(英语平行结构用and连接)A Strange Girl and Little Girl Shoulders a Big Flag。她在报告文学领域最初的收获:her first fruits in the field of reportage。
