Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Does Intensive Training Courses Really Hel

admin2010-11-02  23

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Does Intensive Training Courses Really Help ? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
   1. 现如今各种考试的辅导班越来越多
                        Does Intensive Training Courses Really Help


答案 Does Intensive Training Courses Really Help? "Take our course, you will find exam is just a piece of cake!" Everywhere on the campus we can find such advertisements which (1) attract the eyeballs and touch the deep heart of th

解析 本文是一篇六级考试中常见的议论文,要求考生就“强化训练课程是否有用”这个话题展开论述。根据题目要求,考生应首先描述大学校园存在很多的强化训练课程广告。然后提出支持或反对强化训练的原因.最后阐明自己的观点,做出总结。
   一、大学校园有很多强化训练班的广告(advertisements,intensive training,attract the eyeballs)
   1.可以系统学习(learn systematically)
   2.跟风,担心落后于他人(follow the trends,fall behind)
   反对者反对的原因  学习需要积累,参加培训班只是浪费钱财(lasting learning,money-consuming)
   三、作者观点  学习需要积累,培训班不是捷径只是增补(accumulated learning,complement)
   (1)attract the eyeballs“抓人眼球,吸引人注意”。
   (2)follow the trends“随大流”。
   (3)fall behind“落后”。
   (4)yield“产生收益”,此处 yield little意为“产生很少的成果”。
   (6)count on“指望,依靠”。
   (7)serve as complements“作为增补”。
