Idioms An idiom is defined as a group of words / whose meaning must be known as a whole, / because it cannot be learned from

admin2015-07-28  29



答案 Idioms An idiom is defined as a group of words / whose meaning must be known as a whole, / because it cannot be learned from the meaning of the same words used separately. / Obviously, there is a problem / when you cannot look up individual words in a dictionary and find the meaning, / the usual strategy we all employ when we come across a word or words that are unfamiliar. / With idioms, however, we must learn the group of words. / In everyday English, idioms are in common use. / In fact, idioms are so common / that most native speakers do not even realize that they are using idioms. / It is particularly important to recognize idioms / when you hear them or read them. / When you are able to use them comfortably in your own speech and writing, / then you have achieved a higher level of mastery / and fluency in the language.

