These days, as leaders of all nations come together more and more to strengthen ties or resolve differences, international spoke

admin2019-03-20  78

问题     These days, as leaders of all nations come together more and more to strengthen ties or resolve differences, international spokesmen rely heavily on a select band of expert linguists to transmit—often by simultaneous translation—both literal meanings and the diplomatic nuances which can mean even more.
    The pressure is terrific. One diplomatic interpreter offered a wry description of himself as a man with a ruined liver and worse nerves who turns up in press photos between two world leaders lacking a common language. "I am the one referred to as unidentified," he says.
    Colleagues find the image not wholly inaccurate. Like electricity, a good interpreter is never noticed unless something goes wrong. The glass booth in which the conference interpreter usually works can be a private chamber of horrors.


答案 当今社会,各国领导人交流越来越频繁,他们聚在一起加强联系,解决分歧。国际发言人往往需要一批精选出来的语言学家为他们翻译——一般是同声传译——不仅传递字面意思还要表达出外交中含蓄的语义。 翻译的压力是很大的。一位外交翻译人员将自己描述为一名患有肝脏疾病和神经衰弱的人,他曾出现在两位语言不通的世界领导人的新闻照片中。“我被称为不明身份的人,”他说。 同事认为他这么说并不是没有道理的。隐藏的像电线里的电一样,一名优秀的译员如果没有出现错误是不会引起大家注意的。会议译员工作所用的玻璃工位是一个令人恐怖的私人空间。

