团购指一群人集体从商家那里购买相同产品,而商家愿意为批量销售(bulk sales)提供折扣的一种购物方式。中国被认为是团购的先驱,消费者在线购买商品或通过手机接收优惠券(coupon)代码,以便在线下消费物品或服务。专家认为,年龄、收入和教育背景影响了人

admin2022-12-27  51

问题 团购指一群人集体从商家那里购买相同产品,而商家愿意为批量销售(bulk sales)提供折扣的一种购物方式。中国被认为是团购的先驱,消费者在线购买商品或通过手机接收优惠券(coupon)代码,以便在线下消费物品或服务。专家认为,年龄、收入和教育背景影响了人们进行团购的意愿。到目前为止,方便上网的年轻中产阶级占团购人群的比例很大。然而,专家预计,当在线交易变得更加广泛时,较低收入消费者最终将开始团购,而更多销售传统商品(如药品或书籍)的供应商将会进入该行业。


答案Group buying refers to the way of buying in which a group of people buy the same products collectively from merchants who are willing to offer discounts for bulk sales. China is considered a pioneer of group buying. Consumers purchase goods online or receive via mobile phones coupon codes for goods or services to be consumed offline. The age, income, and educational background influence people’s willingness to join in group buying, according to experts. So far, young middle-class people with easy access to the Internet make up a large proportion of group buying shoppers. However, experts predict that when online transactions become more widespread, lower-income consumers will eventually start group buying, and more suppliers of traditional goods ( such as drugs or books) will enter the industry.

解析 1. 第一句的主干为“团购指……一种购物方式”。“一群人集体从商家那里购买相同产品,而商家愿意为批量销售提供折扣的”较长,可处理为定语从句,其先行词为“方式(the way)”,故从句的引导词应用in which或that。
2. 第二句中,“被认为是……的先驱”可译为“is considered(as)a pioneer of…”。
3. 第三句中,“或”连接的并列结构是“在线购买商品”和“通过手机接收优惠券代码。以便在线下消费物品或服务”,翻译时应注意句中的逻辑关系。此处的“优惠券代码”指的是线下消费物品或服务时可使用的优惠券代码,故可用介词短语for goods or services to be consumed offline修饰coupon codes。
4. 第四句中,“专家认为”可译为according to experts或experts say,“人们进行团购的意愿”可译为people’s willingness to join in group buying。
5. 第五句中,“方便上网的年轻中产阶级”可译为young middle—class people with easy access to the Internet,“占……的比例很大”可用“make up a large proportion of…”来表达。
6. 第六句中,“更加广泛”可译为more widespread,“较低收入消费者”可用lower-income consumers来表达。
