Tom’s mother tried hard to persuade him to______from his intention to invest his savings in stock market.

admin2014-09-24  18

问题 Tom’s mother tried hard to persuade him to______from his intention to invest his savings in stock market.

选项 A、pull out
B、give up
C、draw in
D、back down


解析 back down“放弃(要求、主张、立场),让步,退出”,反义词是back up“支持”。如:After prolonged negotiations,the other side finally backed down on its unrea—sonable demands.经过长期的谈判后,另一方终于放弃了不合理的要求。pull out“拔出,抽出,取出,(车、船)驶出,(车辆)减速”,如:get/have one’s teeth pulled OUt“拔牙”,pull out one’s wallet from…“从……掏出钱夹”。We arrived on the platformjust as the train was pulling out of the station.“火车正要出站时,我们赶到了站台。”draw in“(火车、汽车)到站”,如:As I reached the ticket barrier,the train was just drawing in.“当我到验票处时,火车刚进站。”give up“放弃,停止(做)”,如:Many teachers and students gave up their days off to do voluntary labor.“许多师生放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。"可见这几个词组的用法是:back down(from)“从……退出”;pull out from…“从……拿出”;draw in“进站”(非及物);give up“把……放弃给……”,根据句子意思和用法选back down合适。题句意:“汤姆的母亲极力劝他放弃把积蓄投入股市的打算。”
