It is impossible to over-emphasize the importance of commercial activity to a country and its people. In almost all developing c

admin2014-03-03  61

问题    It is impossible to over-emphasize the importance of commercial activity to a country and its people. In almost all developing countries, economic development depends upon growth in export trade, which in turn creates jobs and raises living standards.  The increasing import requirements which flow from economic development must be financed from foreign exchange receipts derived from export earnings and capital investment. With out dynamic expansion in exports, the growth of your country’s economy will almost certainly slacken. Your objective as a commercial representative is obviously to do the best possible job of improving your country’s export earnings, in the broadest meaning of that term.
   The time has long since arrived to recognize commercial representation as a profession per se, the successful exercise of which is positively correlated with careful selection of commercial representatives, the level and content of their formal education and specialized training, the length and variety of their pertinent experience, and the quality of support they receive from the Trade Promotion Organisation (TPO) or ministry at home.


答案 对任何一个国家和她的人民来说,开展对外商务活动的重要性,无论怎样强调都是不过分的。几乎所有的发展中国家,经济的发展都有赖于出口贸易的增长;而反过来出口的增长又有助于创造更多的就业机会和提高人民的生活水平。经济的发展需要进口越来越多的物资,而这些进口物资必须用出口创汇和对外投资而挣得的外汇来支付。假如没有不断扩大的出口,一个国家经济发展的速度肯定要放慢。作为一名驻外商务代表,从最广泛的意义上来说,你的工作目标显然是尽最大的努力来提高你们国家的出口创汇能力。驻外商务代表的工作实际上是一种专门的业务——早就应该这样来看待这个问题。要把这项工作做好,就得认真选择驻外商务代表。要考虑他们所受的正规教育和专门培训的程度和内容,他们过去有哪些和有多少相关的经验,以及他们能够从国内的贸易促进机构和贸易部得到什么样的支持。

