自1949年以来,中国农业科学家培育出多种农作物,包括很多高产、优质、抵抗性强的新品种,使主要农作物品种更新四至五次,每更新一次,一般增产10%至30%。中国粮食作物单产已由1950年的1.16吨/公顷(hectare)增加到5. 62吨/公顷。与此同时,

admin2023-01-27  43

问题 自1949年以来,中国农业科学家培育出多种农作物,包括很多高产、优质、抵抗性强的新品种,使主要农作物品种更新四至五次,每更新一次,一般增产10%至30%。中国粮食作物单产已由1950年的1.16吨/公顷(hectare)增加到5. 62吨/公顷。与此同时,农业部门从世界各地引进农作物、苗木10万多种,并培育了水稻、玉米、小麦等作物的新品种。许多新的先进技术也得以在农业生产中广泛应用,对提高农民科技素质起到重要作用。


答案Since 1949, Chinese agricultural scientists have bred many kinds of crops, including many high-yield and good-quality new varieties with strong resistance. Thus the major crops have been updated four to five times, with an increase of the yield by 10 to 30 percent each time. The per-hectare yield of grain crops in China has increased from 1.16 tons in 1950 to 5.62 tons. Meanwhile, agricultural departments have imported more than 100000 crops and seedlings from the rest of the world and have cultivated new varieties of rice, corn, wheat and other crops. Many new advanced technologies, which have played an important role in promoting the farmers’ sci-tech education, have found their extensive application in agricultural production.

