A、He is quite good at physics. B、He is ready for the final exam. C、He is relatively poor at physics. D、He fears that he may fail

admin2019-10-13  16

W: There is nothing I like better than taking a walk over these hills on the weekends. The trees are tall and fantastic.
M: The trees? What about the grass and wild flowers?
Q: What does the man mean?
W: John, do you still ask Jane out recently?
M: My relationship with her is already history. I’m no longer her Mr. Right.
Q: What can we learn about John?
M: I hear you have applied for several universities in this city. Have you received any notification of admission?
W: I haven’t heard anything yet, but I believe in myself. There is no need to worry.
Q: What can we learn about this woman?
W: Professor, I had put a lot of effort into this essay. I was quite satisfied with it. But I don’t understand why you gave me a B.
M: The academic value of an essay lies in innovative and independent ideas, not in the amount of work it takes.
Q: What does the man think of the essay?
W: Are you ready for the final exam?
M: Not quite. The physics exam is the only cloud on the horizon. I’m sure I’ll do fine in the other courses.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He is quite good at physics.
B、He is ready for the final exam.
C、He is relatively poor at physics.
D、He fears that he may fail the exam.


解析 女士说:你期末考试准备好了?男士说:不太有把握。物理考试是我唯一感到有麻烦的科目,其他科目我问题不大。a cloud on the horizon是个成语,其含义是a sign of trouble or difficulty to come(预示麻烦)。
