Some students in university enjoy privilege, for example, student-athletes could pass the examinations with lower grades; member

admin2021-08-05  48

问题     Some students in university enjoy privilege, for example, student-athletes could pass the examinations with lower grades; members of the choir could survive the test with poor classroom attendance. Do you agree or disagree with the privilege enjoyed by the special group of students?
    Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:
    Are the Privileged Students on Campus Acceptable?
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 Are the Privileged Students on Campus Acceptable? With the popularization of quality-oriented education, college students can develop their interests and hobbies more freely. Amateur athletes, singers and hosts become the second identities to many students, who are entitled to special consideration in their studies. They can pass examinations with much lower scores. So some people say that it is not right to allow privileged students on campus. However, I don’t agree with them. There are many reasons why I hold no confidence in them, and I would explore only a few here. The main reason why I agree with "privilege should be enjoyed by some students" is that it is more difficult for students to be all-round in the face of the rich and fast-paced life, and that exam scores no longer play a key role in evaluating the achievement of college students. So schools cannot ask students to be good at both their studies and extra-curricular activities. Furthermore, a person’s time and energy is limited. For example, when student-athletes are exhausted by their daily exercises, there will be little energy left for them to study. So the special consideration will help these students concentrate on their specialty. All in all, what the so-called privilege students enjoy is not privilege at all, but the support and encouragement from universities in their development. So, privileged student on campus is acceptable.

解析     本题属于对比选择型题目。要求考生对大学里的某些学生“受特殊待遇”的现象进行分析阐述。素质教育使大学生有了更多的兴趣和爱好,但同时参加各种活动也会影响到学生的学业,于是有的学校给予这些学生特殊照顾,在学习方面降低了对他们的要求,这一做法引起了不小的争议。那么,大学里可不可以有这么一群“特权”学生?题目要求考生对此展开分析,提出自己的观点。
    作为一个神圣的学习场所,大学应对所有的学生一视同仁,督促他们努力学习,而不能降低对某些学生的要求,否则就会严重影响教育中的公平竞争。 思路2:大学里可以有“特权”一族。 鱼和熊掌不可兼得,学习和课外活动总是会有冲突,所以不能要求所有学生都是十项全能选手,不应该以学习成绩作为衡量学生的唯一标准。再者,学校对于体育生或艺术生的特别对待并不会让他们成为所谓的“特权人士”,这是学校对那些具有特殊才华的学生的鼓励,这样才会有真正意义上的素质发展。
