The Greek’s lofty attitude toward scientific research--and the scientists’ contempt of utility-was not a long time dying. For a

admin2010-06-30  47

问题      The Greek’s lofty attitude toward scientific research--and the scientists’ contempt of utility-was not a long time dying. For a millennium after Archimedes, this separation of mechanics from geometry prevented fundamental technological progress and in some areas restrained it altogether. But there was a still greater obstacle to change until the very end of the Middle Ages-the organization of society.
     The social system of fixed class relationships that prevailed through the Middle Ages itself made improvement impossible. Under this system, the labouring masses, in exchange for the bare necessities of life, did all the productive work, while the privileged few--priests, nobles, and kings--concerned themselves only with ownership and maintenance of their own position. In the interest of their prerogatives they did achieve considerable progress in defence, in war making, in government, in trade, and in the arts of leisure, but they had no familiarity with the processes of production. On the other hand, the labourers, who were familiar with manufacturing techniques, had no incentive to improve or increase production to the advantage of their masters. Thus, with one class possessing the requisite knowledge and experience, but lacking incentive and leisure, and the other class lacking the knowledge and experience, there was no means by which technical progress could be achieved.
     The whole ancient world was built upon this relationship--a relationship as sterile as it was inhuman. The availability of slaves made efficient machinery needless. In many of the commonplace fields of human endeavour, actual stagnation prevailed for thousands of years.
     For about twenty-five centuries, two thirds of the power of the horse was lost because he wasn’t shod, and much of the strength of the ox was wasted because his harness wasn’t modified to fit his shoulders. For more than five thousand years, sailors were confined to rivers and coasts by a primitive steering mechanism which required remarkable little alteration (in the thirteenth century) to become a rudder(舵).
     With any originality at all, the ancient plough could have been put on wheels and the ploughshare shaped to bite and turn the sod instead of merely scratching it--but the originality wasn’t forthcoming. And the villager of the Middle Ages, like the men who first had fire, had a smoke hole in the center of the straw and reed roof of his one room dwelling, while the medieval charcoal burner( like his Stone Age ancestor) make himself a hut of small branches.
In supporting his argument about the ancient world, the author mainly discusses the______.

选项 A、examples of the separation of mechanics and geometry.
B、cases about the studies of lack of communication between classes.
C、obstacle to the progress of technology.
D、his concern about the plight of the labouring classes.


解析 主旨大意题。在文章的第一段最后一句提出本文主题:但是直到中世纪末,希腊还存在着一个更大的发展障碍——那就是社会结构。第二、三段从理论上解释社会结构对科技进步的阻碍作用。第四、五段举例说明科技落后给人们带来的局限。通过以上分析,本文的结构是:提出结论——解释结论,所以本文的中心是围绕对科技发展的阻碍展开的,因此,选项C是正确答案。选项A错在原文并未就机械学与几何学分离这一问题举例;选项B错在文章并未谈到社会阶级之间的交流问题;选项D的错误在于,作者并没有抒发其对劳动阶级困境的关心之情。
