A、Because their number is growing and they are more active. B、Because senior citizens have more experience than others. C、Becaus

admin2013-10-20  16

People over the age of 65 in the USA are called senior citizens. Life for these people is different from that for younger Americans. Most senior citizens retire, or no longer work full time. Also it is unusual for people of this age to live with their children and grandchildren. For many senior citizens, the year after 65 is not enjoyable. (5) They feel unproductive when they no longer work. They live losing meaning. In addition, they may feel lonely being away from their families and the contacts they had in their work. Moreover, they become more concerned with their health as they grow older. If they live in big cities, they often worry about their safety. Other senior citizens enjoy their lives. They feel free to do things they were not able to do when they were working and raising families. The number of senior citizens in the U.S. is increasing rapidly because people are living longer than before. (6) Because of their large numbers and more active life styles, senior citizens are gaining social influence in the country, both politically and economically. Their concerns are receiving a wider audience than ever before. The time may come when all Americans will look forward to becoming senior citizens.
4. How old are senior citizens in the United States?
5. How do many senior citizens feel?
6. Why are senior citizens gaining social influence?

选项 A、Because their number is growing and they are more active.
B、Because senior citizens have more experience than others.
C、Because their average life span is longer.
D、Because they do more work now.


解析 事实细节题。题目问的是老龄公民如何赢得社会影响力。根据“Because of their large numbers and more active life styles, senior citizens are gaining social influence in the country, both politically and economically.”可知由于老龄人口数量的增多,生活方式更加积极,因此他们在政治和经济上的社会影响力逐渐增加。
