天津方言属于北方方言区内的一个分支,天津方言区基本就是以老城厢为中心的天津市中心区。它的东、南、西三面被静海方言片包围着,北部则是武清方言片,这就形成了一个方言岛。 所谓方言岛,是语言学术语,由于历史上大规模移民,使外来的方言势力占据了原来某方言区

admin2020-08-19  66

问题     天津方言属于北方方言区内的一个分支,天津方言区基本就是以老城厢为中心的天津市中心区。它的东、南、西三面被静海方言片包围着,北部则是武清方言片,这就形成了一个方言岛。
    所谓方言岛,是语言学术语,由于历史上大规模移民,使外来的方言势力占据了原来某方言区,形成被原方言区包围着的独立的方言孤岛。所谓天津方言(或天津话)就是指市内六个区和西青区、东丽区、津南区部分土著居民所使用的方言。天津方言岛,呈倒了个的等腰三角形,其底边距旧城北约一公里,尖端距旧城南约二十二公里。几百年来,天津方言仅能“占领”2. 25平方公里的旧城和十几座村镇,且始终陷入其他方言的重围之中。


答案 As a branch of northern dialects in China, Tianjin dialect is spoken in the region that covers Tianjin downtown area centered on the old town. Surrounded by the Jinghai dialect region on the east, west and south sides while bordering the Wuqing dialect region on the north side, Tianjin downtown area becomes a dialect island. "Dialect island", a linguistic term, refers to an independent non-indigenous dialect region that is surrounded by the original local dialect region when the local dialect region was occupied by the non-indigenous dialect due to large-scale migration in history. Tianjin dialect (or Tianjin Hua) is spoken by some of the indigenous residents in the six urban districts, as well as Xiqing, Dongli, and Jinnan districts. Thus, Tianjin dialect island forms the shape of an inverted isosceles triangle, with its base about lkm from the old town and its tip about 22km from the south of the old town. For centuries, Tianjin dialect only has "occupied" 2. 25 square kilometers of the old town together with a dozen villages and small towns, which are always surrounded by other dialects regions. Historical analysis of the formation of various dialect regions in China shows that there are three essentials for a relatively large-scale dialect island to form. First, there must be a large-scale long-distance collective migration. Second, the migrating group must settle down in a compact community after arriving. Lastly, this non-indigenous community must be in a stronger position than the others in terms of politics, economy, culture, etc. None of these three is dispensable.

解析     第一段前半句以天津方言为主语,而后半句则以天津方言区为主语,因连接两个半句的中心词是“天津方言”,故译文以其为主语。前半句中的“属于……分支”用表示“作为”的介词as引出,谓语部分则用is spoken in the region承接“天津方言”,同时引出“天津方言区”,更好地承接了下文。
    “由于……方言孤岛”详细介绍了方言岛形成的原因和过程,是这句话的重点,因此“是语言学术语”这部分译为插入语。由于移民并不一定有国籍的变化,所以在后半句中,“外来的”是相对“本地的”而言,可译为non-indigenous。“由于历史上大规模移民”中的“移民”原是动词,翻译时将其转化为名词,使用短语due to引出,表达更简洁。
