
admin2017-06-11  50

问题     尽管中国的经济影响力以及日益升温的爱国主义热情支持中国政府在亚洲地区事务中发挥更大的作用,但是从根本上讲,中国政府的战略举措一直颇为被动。中国仍然是一个被动的国际事务参与者,其外交举措主要集中在回击被中央政府视为别国挑衅的行为上,不过其对挑衅行为的判断却时而准确,时而偏颇。在中国政府看来,别国的挑衅行为包括从日本国有化有主权争议的岛屿到对朝鲜实施制裁的所有事件。


答案 While China’s economic clout and rising nationalism encouraged Beijing to play a larger role in Asian affairs, its strategic moves have been fundamentally passive. China remains a reactive player, focused on countering what Beijing—rightly or wrongly—perceives as the provocations of others(a category that includes everything from Japanese nationalization of disputed islands to sanctions against Pyongyang) China’s reactive tendencies are partly the product of structural weakness. The country’s rapid economic rise has made it a major power far earlier than its leaders expected. China’s under-powered agencies for international diplomacy and negotiation lag well behind its impressive economic achievements, placing it at a disadvantage in working with other powers. China’s leadership also feels the need to get its own house in order before forging its international path. The glaring need for economic reforms means that Chinese growth has not translated into greater self-confidence.

