W: I was thinking of staying up tonight to surf the Internet, do you want to join me? M: ______

admin2019-05-15  27

问题 W: I was thinking of staying up tonight to surf the Internet, do you want to join me? M: ______

选项 A、Staying up tonight to surf the Internet? It’ s a good idea. Enjoy yourself.
B、Join you with the Internet? What about the Internet?
C、What I want to do is nothing else but take a walk.
D、Not really. I work on the computer all day long. I need a break from computer’ s screen.


解析 本题考查提出建议和邀请的场景。根据对话可知,女士询问男士今晚是否愿意和她一起待在家里上网。当别人提出邀请时,如需拒绝,应先表明立场,再说明理由。选项A(熬夜上网?好主意,你自己玩得开心)没有明确表明立场。选项B(和你一起上网?互联网怎么样?)并未回答问题。选项C(我只想散步)没有表明立场,故本题选D。
