Urgent action is needed in countries impacted by fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) to end extreme poverty globally, accordi

admin2022-08-19  71

问题     Urgent action is needed in countries impacted by fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) to end extreme poverty globally, according to the World Bank Group. As crisis situations become increasingly protracted—with dire impacts on people and economies—the World Bank Group today released an FCV strategy, which for the first time systematically brings a full suite of financing and expertise to address these challenges in both low-and middle-income countries.
    On the current trajectory, by 2030 up to two-thirds of the world’s extreme poor will live in fragile and conflict-affected countries, according to a World Bank report also released today. Bucking the overall trend of a global decrease in extreme poverty, these countries are seeing sharp increases, threatening decades of progress in the fight against poverty. Fragile and conflict-affected situations take a huge toll on human capital, creating vicious cycles that lower people’s lifetime productivity and earnings and reduce socioeconomic mobility. One in five people in these countries are deprived of money, education and basic infrastructure simultaneously. And the number of people living in close proximity to conflict has nearly doubled in the past 10 years.
    The strategy also emphasizes long-term support to help countries transition out of fragility, including private sector solutions, such as scaling-up investments in small and medium enterprises that are essential to create jobs and spur economic growth. It addresses the cross-border impacts of FCV, for example by focusing on the development needs of both refugees and host communities.
    This institutional shift is backed by increases in financing, both through the World Bank’s General Capital Increase and through the recently approved replenishment of IDA, the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries, which included over $20 billion for FCV. The Bank and IFC will also make key operational changes, such as deploying more staff and resources to countries impacted by FCV and partnering with a range of international and local actors. IFC and MIGA have also committed to significantly increase their support to private sector investments in economies impacted by FCV.


答案 世界银行集团称,急需在受脆弱性、冲突与暴力(FCV)影响国家采取行动以消除全球贫困。随着危机局势日益持久,对人民和经济带来严重影响,世界银行集团今天发布了脆弱性、冲突与暴力战略,首次系统地提出了全套融资和专业知识来应对低收入国家和中等收入国家都面临的这些挑战。 今天同时发布的世界银行报告称,按照目前的轨迹,到2030年世界极贫人口中将有多达三分之二生活在脆弱和受冲突影响国家。与全球极贫人口下降的整体趋势背道而驰,这些国家的极贫人口急剧增加,对反贫困斗争数十年来取得的进展构成威胁。脆弱和受冲突影响局势给人力资本造成巨大损害,形成降低人民终身生产率和收入的恶性循环,减少社会经济流动性。在这些国家每五人中就有一人同时被剥夺了享有金钱、教育和基本基础设施的权利。而生活在冲突邻近地区的人口数在过去十年增加了近一倍。 世行战略还强调长期支持,以帮助各国走出脆弱境地,包括私营部门解决方案,比如扩大对中小企业的投资规模,这对于创造就业和促进经济增长至关重要。再比如通过关注难民和接收社区的发展需求,减轻脆弱性、冲突与暴力的跨境影响。 这一制度性转变以增资为后盾,增资是通过世界银行一般性增资和最近批准的IDA(世界银行面向最贫困国家的基金)增资实现的,IDA增资中包含逾200亿美元的脆弱性、 冲突与暴力专项资金。世行和国际金融公司还将进行关键业务调整,比如将更多员工和资源部署到受脆弱性、冲突与暴力影响国家,与广大国际和本地相关方开展合作。国际金融公司和多边投资担保机构也承诺加大对经济上受脆弱性与冲突局势影响的经济体的私营部门投资的支持力度。

解析     the World Bank Group today released an FCV strategy为主句,前面的As crisis situations become increasingly protracted为原因状语,破折号之间的内容是对原因状语的补充说明。protracted意为“拖延的,持久的”,在这里修饰“危机局势”,根据汉语的表达习惯,可译为四字词语“日益持久”。which引导的定语从句修饰FCV,其中的low-and middle-income countries如直译为“低和中等收入国家”略显生硬,拆译成“低收入国家和中等收入国家”,使译文更为顺畅。
    take a huge toll on为本句谓语,意为“给…造成巨大损害”,“creating…”为结果状语,包含一个that引导的定语从句。定语从句的前半部分可译为带“的”的修饰语作前置定语,而后半部分“and…”可单独翻译,避免定语过长。
    这个句子的主句为This institutional shift is backed by Increases in financing,back作为动词指“支持”,如将这部分直译为“这一制度性转变被增资支持”,译文不符合汉语表达习惯,因此将其调整为主动句,译为“这一制度性转变以增资为后盾”,译文更自然。replenishment意为“补充,补给”,在句中指资金的增加,因此可以跟前面的increases in financing和Capital Increase一样译为“增资”。
